
HubSpot Implementations

A simple guide to HubSpot Onboarding

3 min read


Are you overwhelmed by the idea of implementing HubSpot?

Are you unsure of where to begin and how best to plan its implementation?

Whenever it comes to the implementation of a Marketing Automation platform, there is undoubtedly a level of complexity involved and it can be a difficult process, especially if it’s your first time.

Things such as:

  • Technical setup

  • Project planning

  • Goal setting

  • Integrating existing CRM and other systems with HubSpot

  • Lead management (including lead nurturing and lead capture)

  • Defining marketing channels

are just some of the components will you need to consider. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it provides you with a good idea of how much needs to be done to prepare.

You’re here because you are considering purchasing – or have purchased – HubSpot’s Marketing Automation platform, and want advice on how best to implement it in line with best practices.

If so, it’s important to appreciate that to get the most out of your new platform and realise its full potential, it needs to be set up properly. Marketing Automation is a powerful tool that can scale and refine your business' sales and marketing activity, but you need to ensure you have a detailed plan for its implementation so that you can make your Inbound Marketing a success.. 

Therefore, it’s important to break down the process into manageable chunks, assigning responsibility for each activity and a deadline to ensure that objectives are met on time. Furthermore, by breaking down the implementation process, you have a top-level view of the entire project that everyone within the business can look to for context and progress.

With a comprehensive HubSpot implementation project plan, everyone has a clear idea of what needs to be done, and potential problems can be flagged early in the implementation process.

There are twelve fundamental steps that must be taken to ensure the onboarding of your HubSpot platform is absolutely perfect – and in line with your requirements, they are:

  • Building your keyword search terms list

  • Defining your URLs and structure of your website

  • Drafting your website copy

  • Building your Buyer Personas

  • Developing your content strategy

  • Defining your goals and getting sales and marketing buy-in

  • Agreeing on metrics to track performance (KPIs)

  • Lead stage definitions

  • Lead capture functionality

  • Identifying marketing channels

  • Social media strategy

  • CRM Integration

There’s clearly a lot of work ahead!

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