
Sales & Revenue

Introducing HubSpot's Deal Inspection Tool

4 min read


Laptop with sales pipeline

At INBOUND23, HubSpot’s annual conference, HubSpot announced a variety of product updates and feature enhancements. Amidst the buzz, one particular update has caught the attention of sales professionals - the new HubSpot Deal Inspection Tool.

In sales management, there’s two things that sales leaders want to know about specific deals: 

  1. Deal Health: Sales managers want to know how many calls are taking place, the volume of emails being sent, and the overall activity surrounding a deal. It's about ensuring that the sales reps are actively working on the deals to increase the chances of closure.

  2. Deal Velocity: Sales managers are interested in understanding the progress of deals to identify any potential bottlenecks or opportunities for acceleration. This insight helps in ensuring a high win rate and allows them to spot deals that might be at risk.

In this article, we delve into the new Deal Inspection Tool. We'll explore its functionality, how it impacts sales professionals, and how it aims to analyse deal health and velocity to help you sell better.

Getting to know the Deal Inspection View

Gone are the days of struggling through spreadsheets to figure out how your sales pipeline is doing. With a healthy pipeline that is actively being worked on and accurately reflects deals, their probability of closing, and where they are in the sales cycle, you can now determine sales forecasts and reliable revenue projections with confidence.

HubSpot's Deal Inspection Tool is here to provide better insights into the health of your pipeline and the speed of your sales. This development empowers sales representatives to make more informed decisions about their priorities, while managers can provide more effective guidance to their teams.

As you can see within the screenshot, the deal inspection tools provides: 

  • A deal score - a score is applied to every deal based on the health and velocity of it. HubSpot will provide a score and highlight areas around whether the amount is increasing or decreasing, how long it’s spent in specific deal stages, and the tone or message included within emails. 

  • A timeline of activity - the visual timeline of activity shows a sales rep or manager how many touch points are being logged on a deal. This is extremely important to ensure that no money is left on the table.

  • Last activity and next activity - the last activity and next steps give a snapshot of the activity currently taking place. What was the last touch point, and do you have a next touch point planned and booked in? 

  • Next steps - the next steps box is a great way of communication from a sales rep to a sales leader on how this deal needs to progress, or any key milestones are actions that need to take place. 

  • Tasks - using the HubSpot tasks feature, this highlights any completed, or outstanding tasks that are associated with the deal, ensuring that reps are automatically reminded to follow up or action important tasks to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

  • Recommendations - lastly, HubSpot provides recommended reading and content based on the deal itself. For example, if a deal is stuck in the proposal stage, HubSpot may provide some context around effectively sending, or building proposals. 

Making prioritisation easier

With the Deal Inspection Tool, sales professionals get the information they need to make smart decisions in real-time.

By understanding the average deal age, your Sales team can keep track of how each deal is moving along and identify those that might need some extra attention.

Additionally, the tool helps to spot deals that might be moving slower than expected. This kind of insight is invaluable for deciding where to focus your efforts and resources.

Weekly insights for lasting success

Here's a pro-tip: Set aside time each week to dive into the insights provided by the Deal Inspection Tool.

This simple practice can go a long way in keeping your sales pipeline healthy. By staying on top of the data, you'll be able to make timely adjustments and guide your team towards success.


HubSpot’s Deal Inspection Tool presents a valuable resource for refining your sales management strategies.

Wondering how to make the most of the Deal Inspection Tool for your business? Huble's experienced sales consultants are here to guide you. Reach out to our team today to start optimising your sales strategies for better results.

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