
Marketing & Creative

Learn from digital experts with business podcast: Digital Surfing

4 min read


Are you looking to improve your digital marketing and grow your business? Digital Surfing is a fortnightly business podcast that dives into digital leaders' successes and failures as they ride the wave of a career in digital business. Expect real world examples and actionable learnings you can apply to your own business.

Among all the lockdown stereotypes (banana bread, sourdough, craft beer, you know the tale…), podcasts are definitely up there as a new-found love since the world went into remote working.

With lots of new podcasts spawning over the last year - from Louis Thereoux’s “Grounded” to comedy duo Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe’s “Lockdown Parenting Hell” - podcast platforms have reported record-breaking listeners compared to pre-lockdown, and the trajectory is only continuing. In fact, BBC Sounds recorded an added 13 million listeners on their on-demand platform from Q1 2020 to Q2 2020

Looking for new ways to engage with our virtual community, we too reached for a piece of the pie and began creating our own business podcast hosted by our Chief Sales & Innovation Officer, Daryn Smith. Digital Surfing is available to listen to on all major streaming platforms (including Spotify and Apple). 

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Four months on, we’ve had the pleasure of interviewing business leaders from Vidyard, Virgin Active, Refract, HubSpot and more, to give you a fortnightly dose of honest conversation and learnings with experts across the digital space. 

So, what do you have to gain from making Digital Surfing your go-to business podcast?

Why Digital Surfing?

Digital transformation and maturity is key to surviving in business today, and many people have a host of stories to share about the successes and failures of digital projects they’ve been involved in. 

Business podcasts are one of the best ways to consume valuable information from experts. But too often, there’s a focus only on the highs and the wins, not the layers of mistakes and trial and error that got them to where they are today.

Digital Surfing aims to break this mould of perfection and chat to digital specialists about the lows as well as the highs of digital projects, bringing you actionable insights and lessons to learn from as you scale and grow in digital. 


What topics should I expect? 

As a digital consultancy, we at Huble Digital know the importance of being mature in all areas of digital - from marketing, sales, service, branding, SEO, UX, to forming effective team structures at your company. So, expect a variety of podcasts covering a variety of digital business topics. 

Each episode is 35- 50 minutes and sees our host Daryn Smith invite a special guest (or two) to share their personal story and impart wisdom gained along their career path in digital business. 

To find out what podcasts the team at Huble Digital have been listening to over lockdown, click here.

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Meet your host 

Daryn Headshot

The podcast is hosted by Daryn Smith, Chief Sales and Innovation Officer, at Huble Digital. 

With a background in both computer science and marketing, Daryn is a driving force behind the accelerating intersection of technology and marketing for Huble Digital, and prior to the merger of Huble Digital, was co-founder of digital marketing agency, MPULL.

Daryn is finally living his dream of becoming a radio presenter and over his career, has spoken at many digital marketing events and webinars, including HubSpot’s renowned Inbound event in Boston ‘16. 

Now leading one of the largest digital consultancies internationally, Daryn is the first to admit his journey hasn’t always been perfect, with a series of failed start-ups and a host of learnings gathered from working with clients on digital projects. Daryn is now on a mission to help us remember that everyone started somewhere.

Listen now...

If you’re after a fortnightly boost of digital insight and inspiration, Digital Surfing should be your business podcast go-to. 

To see what all the fuss is about, listen now on Spotify, Apple

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