
Marketing & Creative

How to write landing page copy like a pro

4 min read


In this blog, we explain how to create landing page content that engages website visitors and drives conversions.

So you want to know how to write landing page copy like a pro. Good – you’re in the right place.

In this short blog, I’ll explain how you can write landing page copy that attracts, engages and converts visitors. 


1. Keep it short and concise

Brevity is the key to success when it comes to writing landing page copy that converts.

Attention spans are decreasing. It's a fact. So if you want to retain visitors, they shouldn't have to read 200+ words before they understand what you are offering. 

You need to be able to encapsulate that offer in about 5-10 lines.

You don’t need to be an author to write copy that converts. You just need to be able to write a copy that is simple. 

And people like simplicity. 


2. Make sure everyone understands it

It can be easy to forget your audience and use unnecessarily complex language to describe your service offering. 

Remember: keep your personas in mind at all times.

The moment anyone arrives on that landing page they should understand within a few seconds just what it is you are offering them. This will make it so much easier for them to put their hand up and say, “Yeah, I want to download that”.


3. Focus on the benefits to the reader

If you want to grab visitors’ attention, you need to talk about the value of what's on offer.

If it’s a product or service, highlight its features and how it can help. If it’s an eBook, talk about the content within and the problems that content can solve.

For example, if the eBook is on buyer personas, talk about how constructing buyer personas can help with content brainstorming, content creation and audience segmentation.

Then, explain how all of the above will enable the reader to create content that converts and focuses on specific segments of their target audience.

Just take a moment to think about it from the perspective of the visitor. They want to know what they get in exchange for offering up their details. Make it easy for them to find out.


4. Use compelling headlines

The headline is perhaps the most important part of the landing page. After all, it’s the first thing someone sees when they arrive at it. 

The headline should identify with the visitor’s main challenge. In other words, why came in the first place.

For example, if the landing page is showcasing an eBook for content that generates leads, the headline could be something like:

“Increase lead generation with high-quality content”

“How to create high-quality content that generates leads”

You get the point. The headline should be your value proposition.


5. Ask readers to act

The last thing you need to do is prompt readers to take action through a call-to-action (CTA).

Don't just end the text with 'Download Now' or 'Click Here'. Neither option provides a reason to take action.

Instead, start with a strong verb to incite action, followed by the benefit of doing so. For example:

"Download our eBook on B2B Content Creation for Lead Generation and find out how to create content that converts."

Always start the CTA with the desired action. Doing so will increase the page's click-through rate.


6. Test your copy and use smart content

One of the best things about marketing automation platforms today is that you can easily A/B test landing pages.

What this means is that you can create two versions of a landing page and test them in real-time. Just send one page to one half of your contacts and the other page to the other half. Measure the performance of each page and see which one worked better. 

As well as A/B testing, you can also use things like HubSpot's smart content. In HubSpot, you can use smart content to show contacts different content depending on certain criteria, such as location, device, list membership etc. 

For example, a ‘lead’ could be shown different content to a ‘customer’. This enables you to personalise your landing pages and drive conversions at every stage of the funnel.


7. Add a video

One of the most effective ways to explain your offer on a landing page is through a video.

With a video, you have so much more freedom than text and can afford to be a bit more “creative”.

Also, people are much more likely to watch a video than read text. Think about how you can condense your offer into a short one-minute video and go from there.

Do you feel equipped to write landing page copy that converts? I hope so.

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