
Marketing & Creative

HubSpot Inbound15 Announcements

3 min read



Inbound 16 tooks place in November 2016 where HubSpot announced a number of new features, click here to view that blog now.

Inbound 2015

Inbound15 is upon us and we are attending our fourth annual HubSpot Inbound Marketing Conference where the world’s most enthusiastic inbound marketers take over the Boston Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The exhibition has grown year on year since its first event a few short years ago and this fantastic growth is demonstrated by the fact HubSpot last week announced that it is now available in French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish - pretty cool huh?

That was last week’s news as in true HubSpot tradition, things move fast. Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, the larger than life founders of HubSpot, have taken to the stage again at Inbound15 and announced some awesome new features, add-ons, integrations and enhancements that you don’t want to miss out on:

Product Add-Ons:

New Product Features:

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