
Marketing & Creative

HubSpot’s Growth Suite - more than just marketing automation

9 min read


In this blog, Matthew Creswick, Group Marketing Director at Huble Digital, explains everything you need to know about the tools in the HubSpot Growth Suite and how they can help you to scale your business. 

Before we talk about HubSpot’s Growth Suite and what it means for your business, are you aware of the term “Product Creep”?

If you have worked in marketing before, I guarantee that you have experienced or seen product creep. 

It occurs when businesses have loads of disconnected tools spread across their marketing, sales and customer service teams. Each tool has its own login, account and payment method, and each tool is managed separately. 

As a direct result, teams spend more time managing these tools than using them and find that there's no single source of truth!

If a business' tools are not communicating with each other, teams will have incomplete funnel data. This will lead to different interpretations of activity at every stage of the sales funnel and will ultimately have a negative effect on how businesses engage with prospects. 

Product Creep isn't a small or isolated problem. As it stands, there are more than 5,000 solutions available in the marketing technology space. Most businesses, no doubt, use a combination of the top-performers in each area, as shown below. 


 (Source: Chief Martech)

“75% of marketers spend up to an hour a day analysing data and connecting reports from different tools”

The issue is that there's just too much data. 

As a marketer, I know what it's like when there's marketing, sales and customer data sitting in loads of different places and you need to see all of it to make the right decisions. 

But thanks to HubSpot, I know what it's like to have data in one central location. HubSpot provides a holistic view of data, enabling me to make data-driven decisions. 

If you're spending an unnecessary amount of time managing all of your tools, it's time to consolidate your marketing, sales and customer service tools into a single platform with just one login. 

Ultimately, the kind of marketing and sales activity that will work for you now - and in the future - is the kind that’s unified. You need to deliver a consistent experience across channels, enable your marketing, sales and customer service teams to align their efforts, and provide the tools each team needs to scale its activities and grow the business.

That's precisely why you need HubSpot. 

Introducing HubSpot’s Growth Suite

More than just Marketing Automation, HubSpot’s Growth Suite is a series of tools designed to streamline marketing and sales operations and help your business grow.

The tools are all interconnected and housed in one platform, meaning no more disconnected activities or having to pull data from separate tools into another platform. It’s the complete reverse of product creep; bringing together a series of tools that can grow as your business’ requirements do.

Ultimately, HubSpot's Growth Suite fills the gaps in your technology, simplifies your management of tools to save you time, and allows you to focus on the activities that matter and complete your funnel.

What's included in HubSpot's Growth Suite?

The HubSpot Growth Suite consists of four packages:

1) Marketing 

HubSpot's Marketing package includes everything you need to attract website visitors and convert them into leads, from lead management tools and automated workflows, to landing pages and smart content. 

You'll also have the tools to build out your content strategy and ensure web pages are search engine optimised. The content strategy tool will help you with everything from keyword planning to building a topic cluster, while the Optimiser built into the on-page editor will help you to optimise your web pages. 

From an enterprise perspective, the package comes with email caps, additional domains and content partitioning. You can also password protect web pages and set user access permissions. With HubSpot's Marketing package, you don't need anything else and it grows with you!

2) Sales

The HubSpot Sales package is a salesperson's dream. The package includes email tracking notifications, live chat, email scheduling, meetings and much more. 

These tools are designed to improve the quality of engagements and conversations salespeople have with prospects, while reducing admin. 

Furthermore, you're able to send 1:1 videos to prospects, manage opportunities and deals, send quotes, create products in different currencies, access playbooks and set up routine reporting for other members of the sales team. It has everything you need to really improve your sales activity.

3) Customer service

Designed to put your customers at the heart of what you do, HubSpot's newest tool, the Service Hub, brings "order to customer service chaos". 

The tool is great because it transforms what is typically considered a resource drain or "sunk cost" into a revenue-generating aspect of the business.

But how?

Through a frictionless customer journey.

It's important to remember that your customers want a consistent experience and they want answers when they ask for them. 

HubSpot makes it possible to do both through features like shared inboxes and its CRM - meaning all customer service representatives have the same information on customers - and knowledge articles which allow customers to problem solve themselves. 

Then there's HubSpot's chatbots and live chat - these tools are great for when customers need specific answers or technical support. The bot can field simple questions (and point customers in the right direction) while live chat is reserved for more serious queries. 

Once you've met the expectations of your customers, don't you want them to shout about how well you've done? Luckily, HubSpot's customer feedback tools can help you here. Using them, you can find out what your customers think about you, as well as track and improve the customer experience over time.

4) Customer relationship management 

Why pay for a CRM when HubSpot's is free?

Equipped with everything you need to organise, track and nurture your leads and customers, HubSpot's CRM is the perfect choice for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). 

It's even great at Enterprise level with the new features it unveiled recently. 

With HubSpot's CRM you have...

  • Up-to-the-minute visibility of your sales funnel. Never lose a lead or forget about a deal!

  • Automatic logging of customer interactions so your team has the full context

  • Centralised contact records so no disconnected reporting 

  • One-to-one conversations with contacts

  • Real-time notifications to see when contacts revisit your website or a specific page or when a deal reaches a certain stage

  • Personalised sequences to send emails to contacts at determined times  

And much more.


How much does HubSpot's Growth Suite cost?

If you purchase everything - the Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub and HubSpot CRM - you'll get a 25% discount. This applies to each Growth Suite Tier (Starter, Professional and Enterprise). 

The difference between each tier is the amount of contacts that you can store, the number of paid users (i.e. how many people can access the platform) and the features provided. If you're on the pricing page, you'll see a link called 'See all features'. Click on it for a complete package break down. 

At the time of writing this blog, the prices for each package are as follows: 

Starter Growth Suite - £95/mo. 

Professional Growth Suite - £987/mo

Enterprise Growth Suite - £3,453/mo

Also, if you want specific functionality, you can create your own bundle. More on that here

With HubSpot's Growth Suite, rather than 15 to 20 different tools that each cost you £500 a month and store your data in different places, you have one tool that consolidates your information, grows with your business and costs you significantly less. 

You also benefit from being able to add more sophisticated tools as and when you need them, for example:

  • Reporting - create unlimited custom reports and dashboards for you and your team

  • HubSpot CMS - build a powerful, search engine optimised and responsive website with ease 

  • Ads - increase your ad spend limit by $50,000 and create 50 additional audiences for superior targeting

All of these add-ons come at a cost but they will help you to improve your marketing, sales and customer service activity. For example, if your website is built in HubSpot, you can use the reporting add-on to essentially report on any data you have. 


Pardon references to The B2B Marketing Lab, this video was created before we merged with MPULL to form Huble Digital. 

What if you need third-party integrations or applications?

HubSpot realised early on that it wouldn't be able to do everything for everyone. No company can. 

So, instead of trying to build products to meet every possible need, it opened up its application programming interface (API), enabling developers to create amazing tools and integrate existing ones with the HubSpot platform. 

As a result, HubSpot Connect was born. HubSpot Connect is a library of third-party integrations and applications that can be used with HubSpot. 

HubSpot has something called HubSpot Connect. It's a library of third-party integrations that can be used with HubSpot. Slack, Zapier, MailChimp, WordPress - all of these applications can be used seamlessly with HubSpot. 

HubSpot is so much more than just Marketing Automation - it's a platform that grows with your business, from a team of one to a team of hundreds. 

If you're interested in learning more about the HubSpot Growth Suite, click here to find out more.

It's time to start growing your business the right way. 

If you want help onboarding the platform, come and speak to us - we've helped numerous businesses set up HubSpot and use it to elevate their marketing, sales and customer service activities. Have a look at our onboarding page for more information

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