
HubSpot Implementations

Why you need a single customer view to scale growth

5 min read


CRM, integrations, hubspot

Companies with 360-degree views of their customers can gain — and maintain — the leading edge over competitors by providing personalised experiences that grow customer loyalty. In this blog post, we explore why a single customer view is so important for scaling your business and how the HubSpot CRM lets you easily achieve this.

Scaling growth may be a common business goal, but business leaders know it takes more than just hope and prayer to succeed at it. So many strategic decisions need to be en pointe for your brand reach, revenue and margins to increase that you need every top tactic you can lay your hands on to make that change happen efficiently and sustainably. Thankfully, there are more than a few proven ones, and single customer views are one of them.

Here’s why we think a single customer view will be essential to your chances of success.

What is a single customer view? A quick recap.

With a single customer view, your team gets a comprehensive record of your customer and prospect activities stored in one central location. And we do mean comprehensive. With the help of a platform like HubSpot, you’ll be able to see all the marketing and sales activity related to that person’s engagement with your brand. And once they’ve become a customer, you’ll be able to access their customer service records too. Here are some examples of records each of your teams can expect to access on someone (let’s call them Anna):

  • Marketing: How many times Anna’s visited your website, what forms she’s completed when she first became known to your company, and how has she found you.

  • Sales: How much Anna’s paid for your company, what proposals you’ve sent to her when she became a customer, and who sold her which services.

  • Customer Service: What support tickets Anna’s submitted, what her NPS score is, what issues she’s had previously with your products or services, and how they’ve been resolved.

This is far from a comprehensive list of what’s possible. For example, the Hubspot growth suite also makes that single customer view possible for individuals and entire companies. To explore the outer limits of what’s possible in the HubSpot platform, why not chat to a Huble Digital consultant? We’ll be able to map HubSpot’s capabilities to help you store, analyse and draw on the exact customer insights you need.  

Why it’s essential to scale growth effectively

Companies with 360-degree views of their customers can gain — and maintain — the leading edge over competitors. And not many can get this overall picture of what’s happening, or know how to get the most value from it.

Here’s a clip from our recent Grow With Inbound event with Corrie Freudenstein from Leybold. Here, she shares how a single customer view works in practice within HubSpot Service Hub, and how it helped the company quickly resolve a client escalation:  

See full panel discussion: How enterprise companies are using HubSpot Service Hub, here.

But single customer views can do more than help you deliver speedier service/complaint resolutions. They’re also what enable you to provide personalised experiences that grow customer loyalty and enhance your predictive analytics. Check out this HubSpot blog post for more details on these benefits, How to Get a 360-Degree View of Your Customer.  

Tapping into the advantage is easier than you may think

Yip, that’s the tea and it’s not as strong as you expected, is it? Thankfully, reaping the benefits of a single customer view to help scale growth is within reach of everyone. With easy-to-use growth suites like the HubSpot platform, you can start collating your customer and prospect data and use it to hit your goals in the bullseye. Don’t believe us? You may change your mind after reading our blog post, Why Does a Single Customer View Feel Like a Utopia for Many Companies?

Yet so many feel like they don’t have the time to roll out new platforms and procedures. The setup and change implementation can feel overwhelming. That’s where we come in. We’ve made it our mission to help businesses build resilient cores using the best technology stacks available. Together, we can roll out exactly the platforms you need and assist with team onboarding. It’s the surest way to guarantee your ROI and make staying at the leading edge effortless. Check out our Sales and CRM services for more on how we can help.

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