
Websites & Portals

{WEBINAR} What is Growth-Driven Design? With Luke Summerfield

3 min read


Join us on Thursday 07 March 2019 for our free webinar on Growth-Driven Design (GDD) with HubSpot’s Luke Summerfield, the founder and pioneer of GDD. Sign up and find out how GDD can improve your website, minimise risk and maximise value and deliver ongoing results for your business.

When was the last time you assessed your website’s performance?

At some point – whether now or in the future – every business will assess the performance, design, functionality and success of their website. From how many visitors and sessions the website receives, to how many new leads the website generates, reviewing the performance of a website helps identify problems and uncover opportunities.

Some businesses will no doubt have great websites, but for those with websites that are “less than ideal”, the assessment usually ends with them having to redesign it.  

Historically, website redesign projects are costly, time-consuming, complex and – most damning of all – built on assumptions… or at least, traditional website redesign projects are.

Ladies and gentlemen, traditional website redesign is broken. Why?


  • Businesses spend an extortionate amount of money up front with no real guarantee of results in the near future

  • Ideas are bounced around and between teams for months before progress is actually made, let alone any pages actually being built

  • Designs and templates take forever to be purchased and agreed upon – leading to further costs and delays

  • Even once everything has been agreed, it can take anywhere between 6-12 months for the website build to be completed

  • As the website is being built, the review and approval process delays the project even further as key stakeholders want things to be “perfect”

  • Any additional changes outside of the initial project spec have to be paid for in addition, slowing down progress further

  • And, once the website is live – maybe 6, 12 or 18 months later – everyone “sits back” and “hopes” that it will work to attract leads and generate new business… and it doesn’t

Traditional website redesign just isn’t a sensible approach for any business that wants to generate traffic, leads and new business enquiries. The worst part is, after the build is complete, these businesses just leave their website for years until the next redesign!

There is, however, a solution. It’s called Growth-Driven Design (GDD).

It’s a smarter way to build your website – an approach that:

  • Minimises risk and maximises value

  • Focuses on your highest-value pages and the creation of new pages on an agreed basis

  • Allows you to have a website within 13 weeks

  • Spreads the cost of the build over 12 months

  • Utilises analytics and data to improve web pages throughout the project

  • Enables you to access the expertise of your website development agency on an ongoing basis and make changes to web pages as and when necessary

  • Creates a prospect-orientated, lead-generating website that actually works

If you’re redesigning your website, there’s only one approach to consider: Growth-Driven Design.

On Thursday 07 March 2019, we’ll be hosting a webinar on Growth-Driven Design (GDD) with HubSpot’s Luke Summerfield – the founder and pioneer of GDD – and asking him just what Growth-Driven Design is, how it works and why businesses should consider it if they want their website(s) to be successful.

The webinar is completely free. So, if you’re considering redesigning your website and want it to generate high-quality leads for your business, sign up!

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