
Marketing & Growth

How can my B2B content marketing stop being boring?

12 min read


How can my B2B content marketing stop being boring?

Half of all B2B buyers agree that B2B marketing has become boring and predictable — that’s according to an extensive study by WHM Creative. But how did we get here?

A key reason that B2B marketing is so dreary is that many marketers focus on positioning their brand as professional and efficient, even robotic, with the aim of seeming competent to other businesses. 

This is a mistake. After all, B2B buyers are human. Not faceless entities that are devoid of passion. And while people want tangible solutions to their business problems, they also love creativity — especially in marketing. 

If you work in a B2B business, then we’re here to tell you to make your marketing creative again. Keep reading, and we’ll tell you why. 

How creativity fuels B2B inbound marketing 

The idea behind inbound marketing is to attract prospects with valuable content. For your content to stand out, it needs to be cleverly written, gorgeously designed, and (ideally) approach problems from a unique position. This requires creativity to do well.  

To illustrate this point, let’s look at a recent example of a HubSpot marketing campaign that used creativity to reframe its offerings in a way that resonates with its viewers. 

HubSpot CRM Grow Better


This ad depicts a pirate captain/CEO who uses HubSpot CRM to manage her crew, customers and treasure.

The premise is immediately engaging — there’s no rocket science needed to explain this. Swashbuckling pirates are just plain fun. The ad also deftly compares operating a business to running a pirate crew.    

Not only was this creative B2B marketing, but it also showcased how HubSpot’s CRM can be the ultimate treasure for your business. It’s a fine piece of creative thinking that shows how the right attention-grabbing idea can help your brand stand out among a sea of blue.

So, HubSpot did the pirate thing. What creative idea will help propel your brand?

Here are four more reasons to embrace creativity in B2B marketing: 

  • It can separate you from competitors and make your brand more unique. If you offer a similar product or service as others, then creative marketing is one of the best ways to create a clear differentiation between you and your competitors. By targeting the right audience, your campaigns will be more meaningful, unique and memorable.

  • It builds your brand and echoes your values. Every creative project is an opportunity to express and demonstrate your brand values, personality and voice. By developing a strong brand identity you’ll be both easily identifiable and boost campaign performance.

  • It creates a human connection with the buyer. Sparking an emotional connection with a customer requires creativity. Realising that there’s a person behind every buying decision will help your marketing efforts connect with people on a human level.

  • It allows for clear communication and understanding. Creativity makes it easier to express complex ideas. Through storytelling and imagination, customers will more easily understand what you’re bringing to the table, while creative flair will help them remember your brand.


Related: Want to learn more? Read our blog post exploring how creativity fuels inbound marketing. 

What makes B2B content boring?

Overly technical language

One of the primary reasons B2B content often falls flat is its reliance on dense, technical language. While it's important to demonstrate expertise, excessive jargon can alienate readers who are looking for clear and accessible information. 

Striking a balance between technical accuracy and readability is crucial for engaging a wider audience.

Lack of storytelling

B2B content frequently misses the mark by not incorporating storytelling elements. Dry, fact-heavy content can quickly lose the reader's interest. 

Without a compelling narrative to contextualize the information, the content can feel monotonous and impersonal, failing to resonate with the audience on an emotional level.

Monotonous formats

Using the same content format repeatedly can make B2B materials predictable and unengaging. Long blocks of text without visual breaks or variety can overwhelm readers. 

A lack of diverse content types, such as videos, infographics, or interactive elements, can lead to a stagnant user experience that doesn’t capture or hold attention.


Strategies to combat boring B2B content

1. Storytelling

Engage with narratives

One of the most effective ways to breathe life into B2B content is through storytelling. Instead of presenting dry facts and figures, weave compelling narratives that illustrate your points. 

For example, instead of simply listing the benefits of a product, tell a story about a customer who faced a specific challenge and how your product helped them overcome it. 

This approach makes your content more relatable and memorable, allowing readers to see themselves in the stories you tell.

Build a connection

Using customer success stories and case studies can help build a strong connection with your audience. By showcasing real-world applications and benefits, you not only highlight the value of your products or services but also demonstrate credibility and reliability. 

These stories should focus on the human elements, emphasising the challenges faced by your customers and the tangible outcomes achieved through your solutions.

This personal touch can significantly enhance engagement and trust.

Practical implementation

To implement storytelling effectively, start by identifying key themes and messages you want to convey. Then, gather anecdotes, quotes, and data points that support these themes. 

Structure your stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end, ensuring they have a protagonist (your customer), a conflict (the problem they faced), and a resolution (how your solution helped). 

Use vivid language and sensory details to make your stories come alive, and always tie them back to the core message you want your audience to remember.

2. Creativity and innovation

Diversify content formats

To capture and retain your audience's attention, it's crucial to break away from monotonous, text-heavy content. Incorporate a variety of content formats such as videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive elements like quizzes or surveys. 

These diverse formats cater to different preferences and learning styles, making your content more engaging and accessible. 

For instance, a well-produced video can explain a complex concept more effectively than a long article, while an infographic can highlight key data points in a visually appealing way.

Apply B2C tactics

B2C marketing tactics can bring a fresh and dynamic perspective to B2B content. This includes using humor, emotional appeals, and authenticity to humanise your brand. Humour can make your content more memorable, while emotional appeals can resonate deeply with your audience, fostering a stronger connection. 

Authenticity is equally important; showing the human side of your business through behind-the-scenes content or employee stories can build trust and relatability. 

By adopting these B2C strategies, you can create B2B content that is not only informative but also enjoyable and impactful.

Practical implementation

To effectively integrate creativity and innovation into your content, start by brainstorming various content formats that can best convey your message. Experiment with different media and assess which ones resonate most with your audience. 

Use tools and platforms that support these formats, such as video editing software for creating engaging videos or design tools for producing high-quality infographics. Additionally, don’t be afraid to inject personality into your content; let your brand’s voice shine through in a way that is both professional and approachable. 

Regularly review and update your content strategy to incorporate new and emerging trends, ensuring that your approach remains fresh and relevant.

3. Audience-centric approach

Know your audience

Understanding your audience is fundamental to creating engaging B2B content. Develop detailed buyer personas that outline your audience's demographics, interests, challenges, and goals. 

This insight allows you to tailor your content to meet their specific needs and preferences. 

By addressing the unique pain points and aspirations of your audience, you can create content that resonates deeply and drives meaningful engagement.

Tailored messaging

Crafting messages that speak directly to your audience's experiences and challenges is crucial. Instead of generic content, focus on personalised messaging that demonstrates empathy and understanding. 

Use the language your audience speaks, incorporate industry-specific terms, and address their pain points with practical solutions.

Tailored messaging not only captures attention but also builds trust and loyalty, as your audience feels understood and valued.

Practical implementation

To implement an audience-centric approach, start by conducting thorough research to gather data about your audience. Use surveys, interviews, and analytics tools to collect information on their behaviour and preferences. 

Create detailed personas and refer to them consistently during your content creation process. Segment your audience based on different criteria such as industry, company size, or job role, and customise your content accordingly. 

Regularly review and update your personas to ensure they remain accurate and relevant, allowing you to maintain a strong connection with your audience.

4. Practical and actionable content

Provide value

Delivering practical and actionable content is key to engaging your B2B audience. Focus on offering tangible advice, step-by-step guides, and real-world solutions that readers can apply immediately. 

For instance, instead of simply discussing a concept, provide a detailed how-to guide or checklist that helps your audience implement your recommendations. 

This approach not only demonstrates your expertise but also positions your content as a valuable resource.

Clear and concise language

Avoid jargon and overly complex language. Explain complex ideas in a straightforward manner that’s easy to understand. This not only makes your content more accessible but also ensures that your message is clear and impactful. 

Use bullet points, numbered lists, and straightforward explanations to break down complicated topics into digestible parts. 

This clarity encourages readers to engage with your content and apply what they've learned.

Practical implementation

To create practical and actionable content, start by identifying common challenges faced by your audience. Then, develop content that offers clear, step-by-step solutions to these challenges. 

Use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate your points and make the content relatable. Additionally, include downloadable resources like templates, worksheets, or checklists that readers can use to implement your advice. 

By focusing on practicality and actionability, you can create content that not only educates but also empowers your audience to achieve their goals.

5. Visual appeal

Use engaging visuals

Incorporate high-quality images, charts, and diagrams to enhance your content. Visual elements not only break up text but also help illustrate key points, making complex information more digestible. 

For example, a well-designed infographic can convey data more effectively than a block of text, while an engaging video can explain a concept in a more dynamic and memorable way.

Break up text

Improving readability is crucial for keeping your audience engaged. Use headers, subheaders, bullet points, and ample white space to create a clean and organised layout. 

This makes your content more visually appealing and helps readers quickly find and absorb the information they’re looking for. 

By breaking up text into manageable chunks, you can maintain your audience's interest and encourage them to keep reading.

Practical implementation

To effectively implement visual appeal, start by planning your content layout with a mix of text and visuals. Use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create professional-looking graphics and infographics. 

Ensure that your visuals are relevant to the content and enhance the reader's understanding. Regularly review your design elements to keep them fresh and aligned with your brand’s visual identity. 

By prioritising visual appeal, you can create content that is not only informative but also engaging and enjoyable to consume.

6. Timeliness and relevance

Stay current

Addressing recent trends, industry news, and emerging challenges is essential for keeping your content relevant and engaging. 

By discussing timely topics, you demonstrate that your brand is knowledgeable and up-to-date, which can build trust and credibility with your audience. 

For example, writing about new technologies or industry regulations can attract readers who are looking for the latest information and insights.

Update regularly

Regularly updating your content ensures it remains accurate and valuable. Outdated information can quickly become irrelevant, so review your articles periodically to make necessary updates. 

This practice not only enhances the longevity of your content but also improves your SEO, as search engines favour fresh, regularly updated material.

Practical implementation

To implement timeliness and relevance, start by setting up alerts for industry news and trends. Use tools like Google Alerts or subscribe to industry newsletters to stay informed. 

Incorporate these insights into your content strategy by planning timely articles, blog posts, and social media updates. Additionally, create a content calendar to schedule regular reviews and updates of your existing content. 

By staying current and maintaining relevance, you can ensure your B2B content consistently meets the needs of your audience and keeps them engaged.

How to recharge your B2B creativity

If you aren’t utilising creativity for your marketing campaigns, then your business is missing out on opportunities to connect with potential customers. Below are 5 tips to help you make sure creativity is prioritised in your organisation. 

  1.  Avoid thinking in terms of products, services and resources. Rather think of your consumers as human beings, just like yourself. Allow yourself to be emotive in your language and let your values show. 

  2. Challenge your budgets to allow for brand activations and to ensure you are building your brand in a way that connects with customers. According to BCG, nearly half of the responding B2B companies devote less than 30% of their marketing budget to their brand. Your budget should be more than just short-term gains and rather also focus on creating a memorable brand identity.

  3. Embrace your core values and let them shine. To help establish an emotive connection, make sure your brand's values are prominent in everything you do.

  4. Stop measuring your worth in instant sales. Leaving a lasting impression or creating a well-known brand doesn’t happen overnight. For example, HubSpot started in 2005 and became the number-one CRM platform in 2021. Like whiskey and wine, good things take time.

  5. Get out of your brand’s comfort zone. Make creative decisions that make you uncomfortable, but are a good path for your brand. Let creativity take over in order to grow and become memorable. 

Related: Considering hiring a creative consultancy to help your next campaign? Here’s what you should consider. 

How can my B2B stop being boring?

Now that you know the significance of B2B creativity, it’s time to use it. At Huble we know just how important creativity is to drive a brand's success.

That’s why we create engaging content and inspiring design to ensure a successful inbound marketing strategy. 

So now that you know you need B2B marketing creativity, why not discover if we can help? Learn more about our creative services.

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Book a demo with our team today.

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