
Marketing & Creative

How to improve PPC performance: the role of ad copy

12 min read


How to improve PPC performance: the role of ad copy

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a dynamic realm of digital marketing where every click counts. 

The success of your PPC campaign hinges on many factors, but one element often underestimated is the power of ad copy and creatives. 

In this article, we will explore how to improve PPC performance by optimising your ad copy and creative, however, you should also optimise PPC campaigns using analytics and look to avoid common PPC mistakes to ensure you achieve optimal results.

How to improve PPC performance

  1. Ensure that your ad copy aligns with your landing page content to reduce bounce rates and improve conversion rates.
  2. Strike a balance between attracting clicks and fostering valuable actions like conversions, avoiding clickbait tactics.
  3. Remember that the ultimate goal of PPC is to drive conversions, so focus on the bigger picture beyond initial metrics like CTR and CPC.


Let’s look at this in more detail.

The crucial role of ad copy and creative

Imagine you're in a crowded marketplace. Your ads are your storefront, and the ad copy and creative are your display windows. 

These elements are the first things your potential customers see, and they play a pivotal role in attracting views and clicks. 

A compelling ad can draw in curious eyes and trigger that initial click, which is the lifeblood of any PPC campaign.

However, the journey from click to conversion is a nuanced one. 

While ad copy and creatives can certainly influence Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Click (CPC), their role extends beyond these initial metrics. Let's delve deeper into their impact on the conversion-focused aspects of PPC.

Ad copy and creative: Beyond CTR and CPC

The landing page connection

Your ad's responsibility doesn't end with the click; it's the bridge to your landing page

Imagine a beautifully crafted ad promising an incredible offer, but when the user reaches your landing page, they find something entirely different. 

This misalignment can lead to higher bounce rates and lower conversion rates.

Best practice: Always align your ad copy with your landing page content. Ensure that your ad accurately represents what users will find on the landing page, from titles to bullet points and descriptions.

The balancing act

Ad copy and creatives have a dual role: attracting clicks and ensuring those clicks lead to valuable actions, like conversions. 

While it's tempting to focus solely on increasing CTR, it's a slippery slope. Relying on clickbait tactics can lead to a surge in clicks but a plummet in conversions.

Best practice: Maintain a balanced approach. Yes, aim for an enticing ad that draws clicks, but never compromise on truthfulness. Clickbait may get you clicks, but it won't get you loyal customers.

The weight on conversions

In most cases, the ultimate goal of your PPC campaign is to drive conversions, whether it's a purchase, sign-up, or download. 

While ad copy and creatives primarily influence the upper funnel metrics like CTR, the final conversion rate (CVR) often depends on factors beyond the ad, such as the landing page experience and the quality of your offering.

Best practice: Don't lose sight of the bigger picture. Your ad copy and creatives are the enticing introduction, but it's the landing page and the offering that seal the deal. Ensure a seamless transition from ad to conversion.


Now that we've explored the nuanced role of ad copy and creatives in the PPC landscape, let's dive into the specifics of crafting ad copy that not only attracts clicks but also drives conversions.

Content guidelines for effective ad copy

Creating ad copy that strikes the right balance between drawing clicks and fostering conversions requires adhering to certain content guidelines. Here are some best practices to consider:

Include the keyword in the headline and description

Search engines and users appreciate relevance. Including the keyword in your ad's headline and description not only improves your Quality Score but also signals to users that your ad is directly related to their search.

Best practice: Place the keyword naturally within the ad copy, ensuring it fits contextually.

Don't use the full character count if you don't need it

Less can often be more. If your message can be conveyed succinctly, don't feel compelled to fill every available character space. A concise message can be more impactful.

Best practice: Be concise. If you can express your message effectively with fewer characters, do so.

Avoid complicated abbreviations

Clarity is key. While abbreviations might save space, they can confuse users. Only use abbreviations that are widely understood and intuitive.

Best practice: Keep it simple. If an abbreviation isn't universally recognised, spell it out.

Focus on benefits, solutions, results & pain points

When users see your ad, they want to know what's in it for them. Highlight the benefits of your product or service, offer solutions to their problems, showcase the results they can achieve, and tap into their pain points.

Best practice: Craft ad copy that answers the user's implicit question, "Why should I care?"

Align ad copy with the landing page

Consistency is key. Users should feel like they seamlessly transition from the ad to the landing page. Ensure that the messaging, design, and overall experience align with what the ad promises.

Best practice: Review your landing page elements, such as titles, bullet points, and highlights, to ensure they match your ad's content.

Write at a 9th-grade reading level

As mentioned, simplicity and clarity win the day. Aim for a 9th-grade reading level in your ad copy to ensure that your message is easily digestible by a wide audience.

Best practice: Use straightforward language and sentence structures. Avoid jargon and complex vocabulary.

Draw attention with facts and statistics

Facts and figures can add credibility to your ad and pique the user's interest. Consider incorporating snippets from relevant studies or industry statistics that support your message.

Best practice: Ensure that your statistics are accurate and up-to-date. Use them judiciously to bolster your claims.

Use realistic conversation ad copy

Conversational ad copy can create a sense of engagement and authenticity. Imagine your ad as part of a conversation with the user, addressing their needs and concerns.

Best practice: Craft ad copy that feels like a natural interaction with the user. Use language that encourages them to think, respond, or take action.

Include clear CTAs and specify the desired action

Don't leave your users guessing about what to do next. Include a clear Call to Action (CTA) that tells them what action you expect them to take after clicking on the ad.

Best practice: Use action-oriented language in your CTA. Whether it's "Download Now," "Sign Up Today," or "Book Your Appointment," make it explicit.

Use emotional triggers

Emotions can be powerful motivators. Consider tapping into sentiments like urgency, hopefulness, or relief, depending on your product or service.

Best practice: Understand your target audience's emotional triggers and use them strategically in your ad copy.

Address objections

Users often have doubts or objections. Anticipate these objections in your ad copy and provide concise responses to alleviate concerns.

Best practice: Think about common objections users might have and proactively address them.

Include "you" and "your" whenever possible

Personalise your ad copy by using the words "you" and "your." This helps users feel that the ad is speaking directly to them.

Best practice: Make the user the focus of your ad. Instead of saying, "Our product is great," say, "Discover how our product can benefit you."

Reference the smallest targeted location

If your business serves specific geographic areas, mention the smallest targeted location in your ad to make it more relevant to local users.

Best practice: Customise your ad copy to reflect the user's location if it's pertinent to your campaign.

Use strong CTAs

Not all CTAs are created equal. Words like "Get" and "Try" often perform better than more passive options like "Learn" or "Discover."

Best practice: Choose CTAs that encourage immediate action and align with your campaign goals.

Avoid industry jargon in TOFU and MOFU campaigns

In the top-of-funnel (TOFU) and middle-of-funnel (MOFU) campaigns, your audience may not be familiar with industry-specific jargon. Keep your ad copy accessible and straightforward.

Best practice: Speak the user's language. Explain complex concepts in simple terms.

Don't make bland statements

Generic statements won't capture attention. Instead of saying, "Big selection of products in many sizes," say, "Find your perfect fit in our selection."

Best practice: Be specific and engaging in your ad copy. Highlight what sets you apart from the competition.

State what you are going to get or what the target action is on the landing page

Users should have a clear understanding of what they will receive or achieve when they click on your ad.

Best practice: Be transparent about the value users will gain from engaging with your ad.

Short, punchy, eye-catching headlines

Headlines are the first thing users see. Make them attention-grabbing, concise, and to the point.

Best practice: Create headlines that compel users to read further and take action.

PPC platforms: Google Ads, LinkedIn, Facebook

Each PPC platform has its own unique features and audience, requiring tailored ad copy and creatives. Let's explore platform-specific tips:

Google Ads

Responsive Search Ads

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) in Google Ads offer flexibility by mixing and matching headlines and descriptions. To make the most of RSAs:

  • Prepare a minimum of 10 headlines but ideally, aim for 15.
  • Always prepare the maximum (4) descriptions.
  • Use headline and description pinning for cohesive copy.
  • Create variations, including an unpinned RSA and one with the recommended structure for testing purposes.
  • Don't maximise all headline lengths; shorter headlines can increase the chance of showing three headlines.
  • Avoid adding periods at the end of headlines and descriptions, as Google handles this automatically.

URL path

The URL path in Google Ads can reinforce your ad's message and improve relevance. To optimise it:

  • Use both lines to create a logical unit.
  • You can repeat the keyword if it's already used in other elements.
  • Ads in the same ad group can have different URL paths.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads present unique opportunities for B2B advertising and require tailored ad copy:

  • Success story ad copy: Highlight real success stories like "X company needed to achieve Y. We (Brand) helped to achieve it."
  • Compassionate ad copy: Address common industry challenges, such as "Supply chain problems cause lost deals to business. We are here to help."
  • Open loop ad copy: Pique curiosity with open loops like "Why users rate us (brand) as the easiest to use on G2? Experience it in our demo."


Facebook ad copy should resonate with your audience:

  • Post Ads and Carousel Ads: Keep the primary text natural and less sales-y as it appears as a post.
  • Headlines: Users often read headlines first; make them compelling, and consider using a question or CTA.

Remember that each platform has its nuances, so tailor your ad copy accordingly.

How Huble can help you improve your PPC performance

In the fast-paced world of PPC advertising, the importance of ad copy and creatives cannot be overstated. 

They are the initial touch points that can make or break your campaign's success. Huble understands the intricacies of crafting compelling ad copy and creatives that drive results.

If you're looking to supercharge your PPC campaigns and improve your conversion rates, our PPC consultancy services are here to help.

Our team of experts can work with you to optimise your ad copy and creatives, align your campaigns with your business objectives, and ensure that every click counts.

Don't leave your PPC performance to chance. Speak with our team to learn more about how Huble can evolve your digital marketing efforts and help you achieve your goals. 

Together, we can turn clicks into conversions and drive real results for your business.

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