
Marketing & Creative

Take your ads to the next level with HubSpot’s ads tool

4 min read


Tired of spending your valuable time uploading lists from your paid ads? Tired of trying to analyse or make conclusions from masses of conflicting data? If the answer is yes, then read on, as we run through how the HubSpot ads tool solves PPC's most common annoyances.

Gone are the days of manual list uploads and unclear paid media results. Thanks to the HubSpot ads tool, marketers take a deep dive into the effects of their paid media efforts.

But what does this mean in practice?

In this article, we're going to go into the benefits of the HubSpot ads tool, including how it can save you time, drive powerful paid media results and help take your ads to the next level. 

Let’s dive straight into how the ads tool can benefit you as a marketer. For the paid media experts, you will no longer struggle to justify your paid media advertising to clients or internal teams and you won’t be left guessing which ads or targeting are working. 

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Firstly, the HubSpot ads tool also shows contacts rather than just conversions like traditional paid media platforms. This means when someone interacts with an ad, a contact record is created. This contact might then fill in several forms on a site, converting multiple times, but HubSpot will still only count them as one contact. In the ads platform, however, you would see a conversion for each action taken but not how it all comes together. 

By looking at the journey a contact takes – from coming into the system to eventually closing (and the various steps they took for that to happen) – we can better understand the buyer/user process. We can then identify where we need to nurture prospects to get them to take the next step. 


Another powerful aspect of the ads tool is the ability to see return on investment (ROI). When a contact converts into a customer and a deal is made, we can see in the ads tool the cost to acquire that contact vs the revenue driven by the deal they closed on. We can also determine which ads are performing and driving revenue vs those which aren’t. We can also see which ads and targeting methods are working, allowing us to reallocate budget to the top performers, further increasing our ROI.

(If you want to read more about paid media and SEO best practice, tips and strategies, why not click here?)

Ads Hero Image


When it comes to current customers, we want to avoid targeting them as we’ll waste budget “reconverting” known contacts. Fortunately, HubSpot's list building functionality ensures we avoid this problem.

HubSpot allows us to import customer lists using the audience functionality in the ads tool. This list will then be sent to the paid media platform, such as LinkedIn or Facebook, and used to exclude those customers so we don’t target them.  It can also be used to build an accurate  “lookalike audience” so that we can find new prospects similar to existing customers. 


We can take the use of lists to another level by using them for remarketing campaigns. To drive top-of-funnel leads down, we can create a list for them (i.e. subscribers, leads and MQLs) and remarket a bottom-of-funnel offer to them. This is a great way to get existing contacts to take the next step. 

However, it’s important to note that while lists can be exported to LinkedIn and Facebook, with AdWords the criteria are more complicated: a large minimum spend, as well as good ad history with the platform, is required. 

So take your paid media to the next level and start driving proven results for clients with HubSpot’s ads tool. If you like the sound of this but are not sure where to start, take a look at our paid media services and get expert help from one of our paid media specialists. 

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