CPQ Solutions Consultants

Easily sell complex products and services with the help of experts in CPQ software. 

Streamlining Sales with Custom CPQ Solutions

Embrace automation in configuring, pricing, and quoting complex products or services with our specialised CPQ solutions consultancy. Tailored to meet the unique demands of your industry and business, our custom CPQ solutions revolutionise your sales process. 
By replacing manual, error-prone tasks with automated precision, we not only eliminate confusion and reduce configuration errors but also ensure the delivery of accurate quotes every time. This strategic improvement significantly boosts your sales productivity, paving the way for a smoother, more efficient sales cycle and enhanced customer satisfaction.
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Evolve your quote generation. Streamline your sales.

Let our CPQ solutions consultants empower your sales teams with personalised guided sales playbooks, automatically configured and generated sales documents, and dynamic content and legal contracts to streamline your quote-to-revenue processes.

Podcast Strategy & Curation

Revolutionising sales process management for Atlas HXM

Atlas HXM, a leading global entity in process management, sought to overcome substantial challenges that were hindering the efficiency of their operations and limiting their global reach. 
The Huble team helped Atlas transform their sales process, pricing models, and approval systems through the implementation of state-of-the-art automation and integration solutions.
Atlas HXM Case Study

Bespoke CPQ Services

Seek Evolution

Our tagline of “Seek Evolution” showcases the way we think. We aren’t content at just implementing HubSpot, we want to constantly push the boundaries and help you evolve your business on the platform.  
CPQ System Implementation
Implement cutting-edge CPQ systems to streamline and automate the configuration, pricing, and quoting processes for complex products and services. Our services ensure a seamless integration of CPQ software that fits your specific business needs, enhancing sales efficiency and accuracy.
Customisation and Personalisation
Offer personalised CPQ solutions tailored to the unique requirements of your industry and business. Customisation extends to setting up product catalogues, pricing rules, and quote templates that reflect your company's branding and operational nuances, enabling a more strategic sales process.
Efficiency in Pricing Models
Develop sophisticated and flexible pricing models that accommodate the complexities of your product or service offerings. Our services help in managing variations across different markets, currencies, and customer segments, ensuring accurate and dynamic pricing that boosts sales potential.
Sales and Marketing Alignment
Bridge the gap between sales and marketing through CPQ solutions that provide consistent information and messaging across all customer touch points. This alignment ensures that sales teams have access to up-to-date marketing materials and product information, fostering a unified customer journey.
Document Automation
Automate the generation of essential sales documents, including proposals, contracts, and quotes, with a high degree of customisation and brand alignment. This not only saves time but also reduces errors, ensuring that every customer interaction is professional and tailored to their needs.
Approval Workflows and Discount Management
Simplify the approval process for discounts and special pricing with automated workflows that ensure compliance and maintain margins. By setting predefined rules and thresholds, sales teams can swiftly navigate deals through approval stages, improving deal velocity and operational efficiency.

Best in class




locations worldwide


years experience

Success Stories

Yoga Room

Discover how Huble's dynamic strategy brought remarkable success to Yoga Room Plasky's grand opening.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Learn how Huble's comprehensive approach led to +6200 new customers and 13x MRR increase for Tafsquare.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Discover how Huble helped Smovin achieve 85% activation conversion and reduce cost per lead by 50%.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Discover how Huble enhanced Silversquare's lead generation and marketing efficiency.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Pierre Faber

Discover how Huble transformed social media management to drive visibility and brand loyalty for Pierre Fabre.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Learn how Huble's digital acquisition strategy helped MyWayPro acquire 120 new B2B customers in just 2 months.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Learn how Huble helped MyWay streamline lead management & enhance customer satisfaction.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Invu needed support with the release of its new Purchase Order Processing software. Huble's six-month strategic PR campaign ensured a successful launchpad.

SEO & Paid Media

Addvision Case Study


AddVision's success story: How Huble’s lead generation campaigns & centralised marketing automation achieved an 800% surge in monthly leads.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Bouygues Immobillier Case Study

Bouygues Immobilier

Discover how Huble leveraged social media prowess & enhanced user experience to generate leads and soar conversion rates for Bouygues Immobilier.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Chouffe Case Study


Learn how Huble boosted Chouffe’s community growth through an engaging contest.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

EMF Case Study-min

European Mortgage Federation (EMF)

Learn how Huble streamlined EMF/ECBC's operations, centralised communication, and increased engagement with HubSpot.

HubSpot Implementations

Gnosis Case Study-min


Learn how Huble empowered Gnosis with HubSpot, digital transformation, and data-driven marketing to boost efficiency and reduce lead times.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

HubSpot Implementations

Latour Petit Case Study

Latour & Petit

Learn how Huble helped Latour & Petit achieve an astounding 860% growth in monthly leads.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Ecruit Case Study-min


Find out how we helped recruitment consultancy, ecruit, to grow in its first year with HubSpot onboarding, website development & Inbound Marketing support.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


D178_E178  Wolters Kluwer Case Study-min

Wolters Kluwer

Find out how we empowered the team at Wolters Kluwer, a Financial Publisher & Software Vendor, to build & deliver their own marketing campaigns in HubSpot.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Ryan Spalding
Director of Marketing, Garage Living

“We are thrilled with the CRM and CPQ transformation implemented by Huble. It all started with our need to migrate our website structure and find a solution to manage our growing number of websites. Huble's expertise and the integration of HubSpot and DealHub allowed us to not only address our website management challenges but also revolutionise our entire organisation. The results have been outstanding, with streamlined sales processes, increased efficiency, and highly customised quoting and document generation. Huble's tailored solutions have truly transformed our operations and have had a significant positive impact on our sales and overall business growth.”

Talk to us about your CPQ needs

Fill in the form below if you have any questions for our team ahead of booking a call.

Book a CPQ strategy session

Take the next step and book a CPQ strategy call with our team, simply click one of the team members below and book a meeting at a time and day that suits you. Once booked, you’ll receive a calendar invite with a Zoom link to join the call. This call will usually be around 15/30 minutes of discovery around your specific challenges, current CPQ needs, and how we can help.