362% increase in revenue closed and countless dollars saved through HubSpot Payments for GGMS

HubSpot Sales & Service Enterprise Rollout & HubSpot Payments Implementation 

Who is GGMS?

Huble Digital worked with GGMS (Gallagher Group Marketing Suite), a US-based marketing and database conversion company, to rebuild its sales, payment, and client onboarding processes from scratch.  

GGMS provides tools, templates and educational materials that help real estate businesses capture, nurture, and convert leads into transactions. 

While GGMS had been using HubSpot for over a year, the team lacked the capacity to realise the full potential of HubSpot and its feature set. At the same time, their sales, onboarding, payment, and support processes were run using different systems. This made tracking critical metrics like recurring revenue an agonising task. Combined, these factors created a major roadblock to growth.

To remove this roadblock, GGMS needed a partner with experience implementing HubSpot for subscription-based businesses. That’s where Huble enters the picture.

The challenge

“We had our website with one provider. We had our payment processing through another system. We just had all these different pieces that were not working well together.” — Michael Gallagher, Founder, GGMS 

To remove GGMS’ barriers to growth, Huble needed to maximise how they used HubSpot. This also meant connecting many of their business functions within HubSpot. But this project didn’t require system tweaks or upgrades. Huble needed to redefine their business processes from scratch, including sales process, onboarding, and continued support.

The goals included:

  • Unifying and improving GGMS’ fragmented sales, onboarding, and support processes across all product offerings
  • Creating a single source of truth for all sales and customer data
  • Leveraging HubSpot to track business performance and individual KPIs
  • Replacing costly third-party services with HubSpot tools
  • Restructuring team responsibilities to drive customer satisfaction and eliminate service gaps
  • Recreating GGMS’ sales playbook to make the best use of HubSpot

The solution


The perfect HubSpot setup isn’t created in a day. The first five months of the engagement were spent documenting and then redeveloping GGMS’ business processes and configuring their Sales Hub and Service Hub enterprise accounts. We meticulously laid out each step and provided HubSpot onboarding and training across their sales and service teams.

A springboard for sales, a launchpad for superior customer onboarding and support


As GGMS is a subscription-based business, it was important to build processes and set up HubSpot to enable the team to confidently manage new business, as well as subscription upgrades and downgrades. To do this, Huble created a new sales playbook that redefined GGMS’ entire sales funnel. 

To increase meetings booked, HubSpot meetings were used in order to enable sales calls. Automated setups were added to enable prospects to conveniently book time with GGMS representatives. If the call went well, salespeople could use their newly developed product library to easily and quickly build and then send out quotes using HubSpot Quotes and enable customers to pay directly for the quotes using HubSpot Payments.

To improve customer service, the Huble team built a new client onboarding process in Service Hub. As soon as customers pay for their subscription, a ticket is created within the onboarding pipeline, which is then assigned to the right customer success manager. Based on the onboarding stage, automated forms are shared with customers where they can provide additional information, or book various onboarding sessions. 

To track these new processes, Huble helped GGMS build dashboards and reporting for all team roles, giving GGMS the data they need to supercharge their growth.

Pioneering HubSpot Payments


“We’re now processing payments using the new HubSpot Payments — which is saving us a tremendous amount of money on transactions fees.” — Michael Gallagher, Founder, GGMS

In an effort to eliminate costly third-party tools, Huble helped GGMS test and roll out HubSpot Payments — making it one of the first companies in the world to do so. GGMS is now able to handle all of their quoting and payment needs exclusively in HubSpot.

The results


increase in revenue closed


user adoption of HubSpot


growth of deals closed

GGMS continues to consistently improve their revenue, experiencing a month-over-month growth of 10-25% 


Untitled design-1


With the new June 2022 release on Payments Object reporting, GGMS is able to have a complete view of their business, including gross and net payments received or fees paid, all within the HubSpot platform.


Lastly, by implementing HubSpot Payments, GGMS is saving countless dollars in transaction fees.

Payments Report 2

Payments Report 1

Michael Gallagher
Michael Gallagher
Founder, GGMS 

“Working with Huble has literally transformed our business.”

The future

By working closely with GGMS, Huble developed a whole new sales playbook, along with new customer onboarding and support processes — all of which have been successfully configured in HubSpot. Huble has trained up the GGMS teams on HubSpot, leading to 100% user adoption.

Huble also replaced expensive third-party tools with HubSpot features. Most significantly, Huble helped GGMS adopt HubSpot Payments, making them one of the first companies in the world to do so. 

Moving forward, Huble will continue to transform GGMS’ business. Huble’s marketing and CX consultants are currently working to redevelop GGMS’ website and CMS strategy to achieve increasingly ambitious revenue objectives. And it doesn’t stop there.

From a sales consulting perspective, Huble continues to support day-to-day sales operations, building and optimising sales processes, analysing sales analytics, and providing strategic recommendations for adopting emerging HubSpot tools. 

Having laid such a strong foundation for success, every next step with GGMS will be upward. 

“Over the past 14 months, I’ve felt like a member of the GGMS team. Mike, Josh, and the rest of the GGMS team have trusted us completely to streamline and automate all of their sales, onboarding, and support processes. I’m extremely excited to continue to grow better together.” — Alex Enache, Sales Hub & Sales Tech Lead, Huble Digital 

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