
Marketing & Growth

How marketers can use HubSpot's AI Chatbot

9 min read


HubSpot AI Chatbot

Choosing the right CRM system with access to AI tools has become increasingly crucial in order to effectively streamline marketing efforts and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

As well as things like cost, features and usability, companies are now evaluating the AI tools available to them when selecting a new CRM or marketing automation platform. It is essential to choose a system that not only offers AI capabilities but also aligns with the specific needs of the business.

By leveraging advanced AI tools within CRM, companies can enhance their marketing strategies and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic market.

One CRM platform that has embraced AI early on is HubSpot. HubSpot's AI tools have been out for a couple of months, but are already offering a powerful solution to enhance customer interactions, automate repetitive tasks, and boost conversion rates.

In this article, we will explore the various ways marketers can leverage HubSpot's AI-powered tools, Content Assistant and ChatSpot, to streamline content creation, drive customer engagement and improve efficiency.

We will also explore the current limitations that prevent AI from becoming a real game changer in the marketing landscape. In addition, we'll take a look into the future and explore the exciting possibilities that lie ahead for AI tools in marketing.

HubSpot's new AI tools

As AI-powered Chatbots and virtual assistants continue to gain popularity within CRM systems, HubSpot's AI emerges as a powerful tool that can significantly enhance various aspects of your marketing strategy.

HubSpot's new AI tools, Content Assistant and ChatSpot, offer a powerful way for marketers to target and engage with their target audience.

Content Assistant helps marketers and content creators do their job easier. Within HubSpot, you can get help with content ideas, create blog outlines, generate compelling text that resonates with your audience, write sales emails and create marketing emails.

ChatSpot is an AI-powered conversational CRM bot that seamlessly integrates with HubSpot. With its chat-based commands, ChatSpot simplifies tasks, such as creating contacts, sending follow-up emails, generating reports, and more, all within the HubSpot platform.

Marketers can use both AI tools on a daily basis to automate everyday tasks. In the next section, we will look at how the HubSpot AI ChatSpot can be seamlessly integrated into their marketing activities.

How Marketers can boost their efficiency with HubSpot AI ChatSpot 

Marketers are constantly juggling multiple tasks and striving to achieve more in less time. That's where ChatSpot, the AI-powered conversational CRM bot, comes into play. Designed to integrate seamlessly with HubSpot, ChatSpot empowers sales, marketing, and service professionals to maximise their productivity.

ChatSpot accelerates task completion, eliminates the need for manual data entry, and streamlines various processes within HubSpot. While ChatSpot is still in its early stages, its potential for future enhancements is vast, promising significant opportunities for improved functionality and efficiency.

How marketers can leverage ChatSpot in their daily workflow

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  1. Contact Creation: Creating new contacts becomes much easier with ChatSpot. Simply instruct ChatSpot to add a new contact, and it will swiftly take care of the process for you. This not only saves time but also ensures accurate and up-to-date contact information.

  2. Follow-up: Need to send a follow-up email? Just ask ChatSpot, and it will draft a personalised message for you. 

  3. Reporting: Want to generate reports and gain valuable insights? ChatSpot can pull the relevant data and present it in an easily digestible format, helping you make data-driven decisions efficiently. ChatSpot makes it easy to retrieve real-time reports on crucial metrics such as website visits, lead conversions, and revenue. 

  4. Advanced Lead Management: ChatSpot enables you to add contacts with specific notes, assign tasks, and set reminders, all through simple chat-based commands. Stay on top of your lead pipeline without getting bogged down by administrative tasks.

  5. Targeted Prospecting: Finding the right prospects can be a time-consuming process. With ChatSpot, you can quickly identify ideal prospects based on specific criteria. Whether you're searching for companies within a particular industry, location, or size, ChatSpot can provide you with a list of prospects that meet your requirements, empowering you to focus your efforts on high-potential leads.

  6. Forecasting: Accessing accurate and up-to-date reports is vital for monitoring marketing performance. ChatSpot can assist in forecasting by providing you with a comprehensive list of deals closing within a specific time frame along with their respective stages and forecasted revenue.

AI tools currently on the market can streamline your workflow, reduce manual efforts, and empower you to achieve more in less time. But how will AI tools reshape the future of marketing?

Assessing the Impact and Potential of AI Tools for Marketers

As marketers, we're constantly seeking innovative tools to enhance our strategies and drive better results. HubSpot's AI ChatSpot has emerged as a promising addition to our arsenal, but is it truly a game changer? Let's delve into its current capabilities and explore why it's just the tip of the iceberg.

While HubSpot's AI ChatSpot offers exciting possibilities, it's important to acknowledge that its impact may be limited at present. For instance, the report builder, while valuable for generating insights, may fall short when it comes to incorporating extensive context and filters. This limitation hinders its effectiveness in certain scenarios where a deeper understanding is required.

The content tool, although powered by ChatGPT, doesn't introduce groundbreaking advancements. Moreover, due to the internal review process required before content upload, many marketers find it more preferable to create content outside of the HubSpot platform.

However, it's crucial to recognise that these limitations are merely the starting point for HubSpot's AI ChatSpot. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect more sophisticated features and enhanced capabilities that will redefine how we leverage this tool.

Additionally, HubSpot's commitment to innovation ensures that future iterations of the ChatSpot will likely introduce revolutionary features beyond ChatGPT, opening new doors for content creation and management within the platform.

HubSpot's AI ChatSpot lays the foundation for an exciting future. By embracing this tool and actively providing feedback, we contribute to its growth and pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in the field of marketing automation.

AI Tools for Marketers: A Glimpse into the future

The landscape of marketing automation is constantly evolving, and HubSpot continues to lead the way with innovative solutions. One such exciting prospect on the horizon is the integration of CRM recipes, offering marketers a transformative leap forward. 

Currently, HubSpot faces a challenge when it comes to understanding the intricacies of different companies' workflows. This limitation becomes evident when trying to create a whole webinar programme using AI, for example. This requires landing pages, emails, integrations, social posts and more. However, the future holds tremendous potential to bridge this gap through the introduction of CRM operating procedures.

In the future, we see companies working with partners like Huble to create operation guides. These guides will document in detail how to create and edit things in HubSpot, with context to the company.

For example, every company creates a webinar in a different way, and includes different steps. By feeding HubSpot with detailed documentation on how to do this, the AI can take over and support the admin and operations of creating pages, emails and social posts. Without it, it will lack the context to create these items properly, requiring lots of manual work still.

But it doesn't stop at webinars alone. This game-changing capability extends to other crucial marketing aspects such as landing pages, campaigns, automation, and more. 

With the integration of CRM recipes, the future of marketing operations holds immense promise. Marketers can look forward to a time where repetitive and time-consuming tasks become a thing of the past.


In conclusion, the HubSpot AI ChatSpot, coupled with the expertise of partners such as Huble, is a versatile and powerful tool that can help you improve your inbound marketing and customer relationships.

By using artificial intelligence, you can automate repetitive tasks, provide a seamless communication experience, and boost your conversion rates, improving your monthly revenue and customer satisfaction.

Looking to take your marketing efforts to the next level? Huble's expert team offers HubSpot Marketing Hub Onboarding services that can help you fully leverage the power of HubSpot's AI tools.

Contact our team to learn more and start transforming your marketing strategy today!

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