
Marketing & Creative

112 Account-based marketing statistics you need to know in 2024

41 min read


In this article, we look at 113 account-based marketing statistics that showcase how this strategy has transformed modern marketing.

In the last few years, account-based marketing (ABM) has emerged as a cornerstone strategy, fundamentally transforming how companies engage with their most valuable accounts.

Unlike traditional marketing approaches that cast a wide net, ABM focuses on engaging specific key accounts, tailoring marketing efforts to meet the unique needs and challenges of each account.

This strategic shift towards a more targeted approach has improved marketing and sales alignment and significantly enhanced ROI and revenue growth, marking a new era in B2B marketing.

General account-based marketing statistics

In this section, we provide a broad overview of the adoption, effectiveness, and strategic impact of ABM across various industries. 

ABM is employed by 94% of B2B marketers (Source): This nearly universal adoption demonstrates ABM's effectiveness and its prominence as a fundamental strategy in engaging and converting high-value accounts.

Highlighting key data points, we emphasise the increasing importance of ABM strategies in aligning marketing efforts with high-value accounts, driving significant improvements in ROI, customer engagement, and sales alignment. 

  1. Account-based marketing (ABM) is utilised by 67% of brands (Source): Highlighting its widespread adoption, this statistic underscores ABM's role in creating targeted marketing campaigns aligned with high-value accounts for strategic marketing efforts.

  2. From 2020 to 2021, the use of ABM among marketers increased from 55% to 70% (Source): This significant jump illustrates ABM's growing appeal for its ability to foster better sales-marketing alignment and deliver higher returns on investment.

  3. As of 2020, 61% of businesses were either running a comprehensive ABM program or piloting one (Source): This indicates a strong commitment to integrating ABM into marketing strategies, highlighting its perceived value in gaining a competitive edge and enhancing customer engagement.

  4. A staggering 94.2% of organisations report having an ABM program in operation (Source): Almost universal adoption among these organisations showcases ABM's essential role in modern B2B marketing, reflecting its effectiveness in fostering business growth and client acquisition.

  5. ABM is deemed crucial by 61% of B2B marketers for their marketing goals (Source): This emphasises the strategic importance of ABM in marketers' objectives, especially for targeting and engaging key accounts more efficiently.

  6. Top-performing B2B marketers allocate 18% of their budget to ABM, in contrast to 14% by those less successful (Source): This suggests a direct link between ABM investment levels and marketing success, highlighting the strategic role of ABM in achieving superior results.

  7. In 2020, 91% of large companies (with over 1,000 employees) reported having a full-fledged ABM program (Source): Demonstrating ABM's effectiveness at scale, this statistic suggests that a targeted approach is especially impactful in larger organisations for personalising key account engagements.

  8. ABM budget allocations rose by 40% year-over-year, from 20% in 2019 to 28% in 2020 (Source): This significant increase signals growing acknowledgment of ABM's return on investment and its effectiveness in meeting sales and marketing objectives.

  9. A 15% increase in ABM budgets is anticipated for 2022 (Source): Reflecting continued confidence in ABM, this planned budget expansion suggests sustained investment in targeted marketing strategies.

  10. In 2020, 63% of the most successful marketing programs relied on account insights for ABM (Source): The use of account insights is pivotal for effective ABM programs, emphasising the critical role of data-driven strategies in understanding and engaging target accounts.

  11. Companies, on average, dedicate 37% of their marketing budgets to ABM (Source): This substantial budgetary allocation to ABM underscores its importance and perceived effectiveness in driving key business outcomes.

  12. ABM responsibilities are shared across the entire team in only 28% of companies (Source): Suggesting the need for specialised skills or dedicated teams, this statistic underscores ABM's strategic nature.

  13. Smaller companies (under $100 million ARR) allocate a larger portion of their marketing budgets to ABM compared to larger companies (over $1 billion ARR), with percentages at 32% and 21%, respectively (Source): This indicates that ABM is particularly effective for growth and market presence among smaller companies.

  14. Approximately 29% of marketers focus their ABM strategies on targeting 101-500 accounts (Source): Targeting a specific group of accounts enables more personalised and effective marketing efforts, highlighting ABM's strategic approach to customer engagement.

  15. The influence of ABM principles on today's marketing practices is acknowledged by 70% of B2B marketers (Source): This reflects ABM's significant impact on the broader marketing landscape, influencing strategies beyond traditional ABM programs.

  16. ABM is used by 55% of marketing professionals to target both new revenue and existing customer expansion (Source): Highlighting ABM's versatility, this statistic illustrates its use in acquiring new customers as well as deepening relationships with existing ones for revenue growth.

  17. Information about accounts is sourced by 86% of marketers from three main channels: social media (65%), their database (62%), and IT publishers (60%) (Source): This diversity in data sources highlights the importance of a multi-channel approach in gathering insights for effective ABM targeting and engagement.

  18. The foundational ABM tactics are account research and identification of target contacts: Emphasising the need for detailed research and precise targeting, these tactics are crucial for engaging the right stakeholders within organisations.

  19. Revenue won is the primary metric for measuring ABM success (Source): This focus on tangible outcomes highlights ABM's alignment with direct revenue generation, connecting marketing efforts to financial results.

  20. On average, B2B sales decisions involve about seven decision-makers (Source): This underscores the complexity of B2B buying processes and the necessity of engaging multiple stakeholders through personalised ABM campaigns.

  21. On average, 29% of marketing budgets are allocated to ABM efforts (Source): This notable investment underscores ABM's strategic role within overall marketing strategies, highlighting its value in facilitating effective B2B engagements.

  22. Generating new business is the primary objective of ABM strategies for 90% of companies (Source): This emphasises ABM's key role in driving growth and expanding market presence by securing new, strategically aligned clients.

  23. Marketing automation tools are used by 71% of ABM marketers (Source): The integration of these tools within ABM strategies highlights the necessity for efficiency and scalability in executing tailored campaigns across multiple accounts.

  24. A dedicated ABM strategy leader is in place at 69% of organisations utilising ABM (Source): The appointment of a focused leader for ABM initiatives underlines the strategic importance of these efforts, ensuring alignment and effective execution with business goals.

  25. ABM strategies have been initiated within the last five years by 64% of companies (Source): Reflecting a rapid adoption rate, this statistic shows ABM's increasing recognition as a potent strategy in the evolving digital marketing landscape.

  26. Content is tailored to specific industries by 61% of marketers (Source): This targeted approach ensures content resonates more effectively with audiences by addressing the distinct challenges and opportunities within their industry sectors.

  27. ABM marketers target 1000 accounts or fewer, as reported by 57% (Source): Concentrating on a select number of accounts allows for more personalised and impactful engagement strategies, optimising resource allocation for the best possible returns.

  28. Content customisation to meet specific challenges and needs of prospects is practised by 56% of marketers (Source): This personalisation is crucial to ABM's success, ensuring marketing messages are highly relevant and compelling to targeted accounts.

  29. Personalised content is considered key to successful ABM by 56% of marketers (Source): Personalisation enhances content relevance and impact, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates within targeted accounts.

  30. Content is customised to engage specific roles within accounts by 55% of marketers (Source): Targeting specific roles ensures that content addresses the unique perspectives and requirements of each decision-maker, facilitating more effective engagement.

  31. Advanced data management is considered crucial to ABM success by 43% of marketers (Source): Effective data management allows marketers to accurately identify and engage target accounts, optimising ABM efforts through informed insights.

  32. To increase account engagement and foster long-term relationships, 42% of marketers personalise their content (Source): This strategy emphasises personalised content's role not just in securing deals but in nurturing ongoing relationships for sustained business growth.

  33. Organisations pursue an average of 38 accounts at one time (Source): This number reflects a balanced ABM approach, where a manageable number of accounts are targeted to ensure the effectiveness of personalised marketing efforts.

  34. "Researching Accounts" and "Identifying Target Contacts" are principal tactics within ABM, as employed by marketers (Source): Highlighting the strategic foundation of ABM, these tactics are essential for understanding and engaging the right stakeholders within target organisations.

  35. The top five ABM tactics in 2019 included outreach by sales development reps, digital advertising, direct mail, marketing emails, and events (Source): This variety of tactics showcases the multifaceted approach needed in ABM to effectively reach and resonate with target accounts across different channels.

  36. An “established” ABM strategy was reported by 55% of marketers in 2019, an increase from 43% in 2018 (Source): This increase reflects a maturing in ABM practices, indicating a rise in the level of experience and sophistication among ABM practitioners.

  37. Identifying target contacts, creating custom content, researching accounts, and measuring results are primary ABM tactics (Source): These comprehensive tactics underscore the need for a holistic approach in ABM, from initial research and content customisation to performance analysis.

  38. Revenue won is the most common metric for tracking ABM success (Source): This emphasis on revenue as a key success metric highlights ABM's direct link to achieving measurable financial outcomes.

  39. Pipelines created and account engagement are additional metrics commonly tracked to measure ABM efforts (Source): These metrics focus on both the growth of the sales pipeline and the quality of engagement with target accounts, crucial for evaluating ABM's impact.

  40. A decrease in dedicated headcount for ABM teams was reported by 7% of marketers in 2019 (Source): This integration of ABM into regular marketing processes suggests its efficiency and effectiveness, making it a standard practice rather than a niche effort.

  41. In 2019, 40% of the average marketing team focused on ABM (Source): This substantial allocation of resources to ABM highlights its strategic importance in achieving marketing goals, indicating its critical role in marketing strategies.

  42. Early-stage ABM strategy implementation is underway at 43% of companies (Source): While ABM is widely adopted, many companies are still in the process of exploring and refining their approaches, indicating potential for optimisation and growth.

  43. More than one year of ABM implementation is reported by 57% of marketers (Source): This demonstrates a maturity level among a majority of ABM users, suggesting that sustained ABM efforts are considered valuable and integral to marketing strategies.

  44. During the pandemic, 44% of organisations kept their ABM budgets unchanged (Source): Demonstrating ABM's enduring strategic value and its crucial role in enabling targeted engagement and sales efforts under challenging conditions.

  45. ABM strategies were blended with traditional demand generation by 58% of organisations (Source): Marking a strategic evolution towards a unified marketing approach that capitalises on the combined strengths of both methodologies to enhance overall marketing effectiveness.

  46. 42% of businesses in the initial phases of ABM adoption regard it as primarily a lead generation technique (Source): This initial view often evolves as companies progress in their ABM journey, gradually recognising its wider strategic implications for comprehensive account engagement.

  47. According to 41% of marketers, Lifetime Customer Value and financial insights are pivotal metrics within ABM efforts (Source): Highlighting an orientation towards long-term value and financial health, these metrics align ABM initiatives with the overarching business objectives, underscoring the strategy's focus on sustainable growth and profitability.

  48. ABM initiatives between three to five years in operation account for 43% (Source): This indicates a period of consolidation and maturity in ABM practices, with programs undergoing refinement and development based on accumulated experience.

  49. Customer retention and expansion are reported as key objectives by 61% of organisations incorporating ABM (Source): This stresses ABM's strategic utility not just in client acquisition but also in nurturing and broadening existing customer engagements over time.

  50. Intent and behavioural analytics are employed by 63% of marketers (Source): Reflecting a shift towards more analytical, data-driven marketing strategies, the use of intent data enables marketers to engage with potential clients more effectively through targeted efforts.

  51. A hybrid ABM strategy is adopted by 36% of companies (Source): Illustrating the versatility of ABM approaches, this blend of strategies allows organisations to tailor their marketing efforts to meet unique objectives and overcome specific challenges.

  52. ABM program experimentation and expansion were pursued by 76% of companies in 2021 (Source): Signifying a robust confidence in ABM's strategic potential, this substantial engagement in exploring and enhancing ABM practices suggests a widespread recognition of its value in driving impactful business results.

What is the ROI of ABM?

In this section, we showcase statistics that illustrate ABM's capacity to deliver higher returns on investment compared to traditional marketing approaches. 

79% of ABM adopters successfully generate ROI (Source). This high success rate among ABM users in achieving positive ROI underscores the strategy's reliability and efficiency across various industries.

We highlight the cost-effectiveness and revenue-generating potential of ABM, underscoring why it is increasingly becoming a preferred strategy among B2B marketers focused on maximising their marketing budgets and driving substantial business growth.

  1. 63% of companies with complete ABM programs report at least a 25% return on investment, while 46% see returns of at least 50% (Source). This demonstrates that a significant portion of businesses employing comprehensive ABM strategies experience considerable returns, validating ABM's effectiveness.

  2. 76% of respondents find ABM yields higher ROI compared to other marketing tactics (Source). The majority agreement on ABM's superior return on investment highlights its effectiveness in maximising marketing resources.

  3. 94.2% of respondents have an active ABM program, up from 77% in 2019 (Source). The significant rise in ABM adoption within a year reflects growing recognition of its strategic importance and effectiveness in targeted marketing efforts.

  4. DemandBase reports a 33% average increase in ACV for ABM closed-won opportunities (Source). This notable increase in Average Contract Value for opportunities secured through ABM strategies emphasises ABM's role in winning not just more deals, but more valuable ones.

  5. 87% of B2B marketers report that ABM initiatives outperform other marketing investments in terms of ROI (Source). This overwhelming majority indicates a strong consensus on ABM's superior ROI, making it a preferred strategy for optimising marketing investments.

  6. 91% of marketers in Asia, particularly in China, rate their ABM efforts as highly successful (Source). The high success rate in Asia and specifically China underscores ABM's global applicability and effectiveness in diverse markets.

  7. 96% of marketers report that ABM campaigns yield an average contract value greater than $51,000, with nearly one-third achieving an average of over $100,000 (Source). This statistic highlights the significant impact of ABM on deal sizes, with a substantial number of marketers securing exceptionally high-value contracts through ABM efforts.

  8. A 20% increase in average deal size is noted for ABM programs over traditional demand generation efforts (Source). This enhancement in deal size underlines ABM's success in not only securing deals but also in clinching agreements of greater value, thereby boosting revenue growth.

  9. 84% of marketers report very/extremely successful ABM efforts in the past year (Source). Such a high rate of success amongst marketers signals the effective and positive impact of ABM on targeted marketing campaigns, encouraging its broader adoption and execution.

What are the benefits of ABM?

This section emphasises ABM's role in fostering closer alignment between sales and marketing teams, enabling more personalised marketing efforts, and improving the overall efficiency of marketing resources. 

ABM is linked to improved customer lifetime value by 80% of marketers (Source): This association with long-term value and customer retention underscores ABM's strategic importance in fostering sustainable business expansion.

We share the strategic benefits, such as enhanced customer engagement, increased deal sizes, and better customer retention rates, showcasing ABM as a comprehensive approach that not only drives revenue growth but also builds lasting relationships with key accounts.

  1. ABM is leveraged by 75% of marketers for customer marketing to bolster client retention rates, a significant rise from 38% in 2020 (Source): This sharp increase showcases ABM's capacity not only for customer acquisition but also for enhancing customer loyalty through more meaningful, personalised interactions.

  2. An improvement in brand equity and perception is reported by 40% of B2B marketers (Source): This enhancement in market perception can be attributed to ABM's targeted, customised campaigns, which likely forge stronger connections with key accounts, positively impacting how those companies are perceived.

  3. Since adopting ABM, 73% of companies observed a surge in account engagement (Source): The substantial uptick in engagement levels underscores ABM's efficacy in fostering more pertinent and appealing interactions with target accounts, thereby increasing interest and involvement.

  4. Mature ABM programs contribute to 79% of all sales opportunities (Source): This figure emphasises ABM's dominance in generating and converting high-value accounts, surpassing traditional inbound and outbound marketing methods in effectiveness.

  5. 82% of B2B marketers acknowledge that ABM significantly boosts marketing-sales alignment within their organisations (Source): This high percentage of improved collaboration underscores one of ABM's fundamental advantages: nurturing a unified approach and shared goals between marketing and sales teams.

  6. An increase in win rates attributed to ABM is reported by 86% of organisations (Source): This underscores ABM's role not just in lead generation but in sealing deals, particularly by targeting accounts with a high propensity to purchase.

  7. 61% of marketers have observed a significant enhancement in marketing and sales alignment at their companies due to ABM (Source): This further reinforces ABM's importance in closing the gap between sales and marketing, leading to more synchronised and effective efforts.

  8. 73% of those surveyed stated that ABM far exceeded their expectations (Source), citing efficient utilisation of marketing resources, enhanced sales and marketing alignment, and superior ROI as key advantages, demonstrating ABM's capability to fulfil its strategic promises.

  9. Revenue growth can surge by 208% with the adoption of ABM strategies (Source): This remarkable growth potential accentuates ABM's ability to significantly elevate revenue, outpacing traditional marketing efforts.

  10. Annual contract value sees an average boost of 170% due to ABM (Source): This considerable uplift highlights ABM's prowess in not just clinching deals but also in markedly increasing the value of those agreements.

  11. 97% of marketers acknowledge ABM's superior ROI compared to other marketing strategies (Source): This widespread consensus among marketers about ABM's unmatched return on investment underlines its effectiveness in optimising marketing expenditure for heightened impact.

  12. ABM leads to an increase in average deal size for 91% of companies, with a quarter experiencing over a 50% rise (Source): This reflects ABM's strategic benefit in fostering leads that evolve into high-value opportunities, culminating in more substantial deals.

  13. 87% of marketers recognise ABM as outshining other marketing initiatives (Source): The prevalent view of ABM's exceptional performance signals its strategic advantage in surpassing traditional marketing methods in achieving marketing goals.

  14. 85% of marketers credit ABM with substantial gains in retaining and expanding existing client relationships (Source): ABM's emphasis on personalised interactions and customer experience is pivotal for not only preserving client loyalty but also broadening those relationships over time.

  15. An enhanced reputation post-ABM implementation is observed by 84% of companies (Source): ABM's positive influence on brand reputation highlights its role in improving brand perception via targeted, impactful engagement with key accounts.

  16. 83% of marketers report that ABM intensifies engagement with target accounts (Source): This underlines ABM's capacity to deepen account engagement, paving the way for increased conversion opportunities and growth.

  17. 79% of sales opportunities are attributed to ABM efforts by companies (Source): This attribution of a high percentage of opportunities to ABM efforts accentuates the strategy's vital role in lead generation and business advancement.

  18. ABM efforts are credited for 73% of total revenue by companies (Source): This substantial revenue contribution from ABM highlights its effectiveness in not just engaging accounts but in yielding concrete financial outcomes.

  19. A positive ABM impact is measurable by 62% of marketers (Source): The capability to quantify ABM's impact is essential for justifying its investment and for ongoing refinement in targeting and engagement strategies.

  20. At least a 10% revenue uptick in the first year of implementing ABM is reported by 60% of companies (Source): This notable increase in revenue within the initial year of ABM adoption underscores its immediate and significant benefits.

What are the challenges of ABM?

This section covers issues like the need for precise data and the complexity of personalising content at scale. Despite ABM's effectiveness, these challenges highlight the importance of having robust systems and processes in place to manage and execute ABM campaigns efficiently. 

45% of marketers implementing ABM programs face challenges in delivering personalised customer experiences (Source). Given personalisation's pivotal role in ABM's triumph, this points to the necessity for marketers to more adeptly utilise data and insights to customise the marketing experience to each target account's unique needs and preferences.

The aim is to share a realistic overview of the obstacles that must be navigated to fully leverage ABM's potential in driving targeted marketing efforts and achieving desired business outcomes.

  1. For firms with fully deployed ABM programs, the primary hurdles include data quality issues (53.29%), budget constraints (32.93%), and sales alignment difficulties (31.14%) (Source). This underlines the critical role of high-quality data, sufficient financial resources, and strong sales-marketing collaboration in ensuring the efficacy of ABM initiatives, highlighting key focus areas for improvement.

  2. 37% of practitioners point to tracking and measuring ABM outcomes as a significant challenge, with 30% finding it difficult to educate sales about ABM's process and benefits (Source). These issues emphasise the importance of establishing clear performance indicators and communication strategies to convey ABM's value and methodology to sales teams, fostering cross-functional alignment and comprehension.

  3. 36% of respondents identify account prioritisation as their main obstacle, with 35% struggling to compile and engage targeted account lists (Source). The success of ABM heavily relies on accurately identifying and engaging the correct accounts, stressing the necessity for strategic account selection and effective list management.

  4. A mere 36% of organisations practising ABM believe their sales and marketing teams are closely aligned (Source). This indicates considerable potential for enhancing the coordination between sales and marketing within ABM frameworks, which is essential for unlocking the full potential of the strategy.

  5. 37% of marketers report difficulties in obtaining sufficient resources for ABM initiatives (Source). This statistic highlights a prevalent challenge in ABM execution, signifying that while ABM's benefits are widely acknowledged, acquiring the necessary funding and resources continues to be an obstacle for numerous firms.

What is the current state of ABM technology?

This section looks at the evolving landscape of ABM technology, highlighting the wide spectrum of tools and platforms that organisations currently use to refine and execute their marketing strategies.

CRM systems are utilised by over 70% of firms surveyed by ITSMA (Source). The prevalent adoption of CRM illustrates its indispensable function in ABM, serving as the foundational framework for managing customer data and interactions essential for tailored ABM initiatives.

It dives into the adoption rates of these technologies, such as CRM systems and the integration of automation and analytics tools, critical for enhancing targeting and engagement efforts. 

  1. Between 25-39% of participants employ content syndication, sales automation, third-party data, and attribution and reporting software (Source). This suggests that although these technologies are pivotal for augmenting ABM strategies, a substantial share of organisations might not be fully exploiting their capabilities, pinpointing a key area for advancement in the use of ABM tools.

  2. Three or more tools are employed by 80% of entities in their ABM endeavours (Source). This mirrors the complex nature of ABM that necessitates an assortment of ABM software to cater to various facets of the strategy, spanning from targeting and engagement to analytics and outcome assessment.

  3. Automation tools are integral to 68% of ABM programs (Source). The prominent role of automation in ABM underscores the imperative for efficiency and scalability, enabling marketers to customise communications extensively and streamline routine operations.

  4. Dedicated ABM platforms are a priority for 27% of companies, while marketing automation and predictive analytics tools are preferred by 24% and 21%, respectively (Source). This indicates the strategic selections made by organisations in assembling their ABM technology stack, emphasising platforms that provide specific advantages in targeting, engagement, or data analysis.

  5. A mature technology stack supporting ABM programs is established by less than 25% of companies (Source). The modest proportion of firms with a developed ABM tech stack signals considerable room for development and refinement, highlighting the evolutionary process of tech adoption and enhancement within ABM strategies.

  6. Social media analytics (72%), website analytics (65%), and CRM platforms (40%) are the top three tools utilised by companies for targeting accounts (Source). This underscores the critical use of digital analytics and customer data in pinpointing efforts, with analytics playing a key role in effectively understanding and engaging with principal accounts.

  7. Only 46% of marketers express satisfaction with the tools employed in their ABM programs (Source). This reflects a significant discrepancy in the availability of ABM tools that align with marketers' requirements, indicating potential areas for enhancement or new developments within the ABM tool ecosystem.

  8. Analytics and reporting tools are used by 95% of tech companies for their ABM initiatives (Source). The widespread use of these tools in the tech sector emphasises the vital importance of data-driven insights for the effective implementation and fine-tuning of ABM strategies.

What does the future of ABM look like?

This section shows the future will see an increased integration of technology, such as AI and machine learning, to enhance targeting and personalisation capabilities. 

The ABM market is projected to exceed $1.6 billion by 2027 (Source). This forecast emphasises the escalating investment in ABM and its burgeoning role in the worldwide marketing sphere.

We also anticipate a greater emphasis on measuring ABM effectiveness and ROI, as well as the continuous adaptation of ABM strategies to align with changing buyer behaviours and market conditions, indicating a dynamic and increasingly vital role for ABM in B2B marketing strategies.

  1. Approximately 34% of marketers are currently in the planning phase for implementing an ABM strategy (Source). This reflects an escalating interest in ABM, showcasing marketers' recognition of its potential benefits despite not having fully adopted it into their marketing frameworks yet.

  2. Regarding ABM budgets, 48% of marketers foresee a moderate increase, 11% anticipate a significant rise, 37% expect it to remain constant, and only 4% predict a decrease in the upcoming year (Source). This trend towards growing ABM budgets signifies confidence in ABM's return on investment and its crucial role in B2B marketing strategies.

  3. A 30% increase in ABM campaign investment is planned by one-third of marketing vice presidents (Source). This notable planned uplift in ABM spending by senior marketing executives highlights the strategy's esteemed value in fostering business expansion.

  4. 86% of ABM leaders and B2B marketers are set to escalate their investment in tools, campaign templates, and processes for ABM program scaling (Source). This broad consensus to augment investment underscores the continuous demand for resources that facilitate the efficient scaling and execution of ABM strategies.

  5. An anticipated shift in the ABM landscape suggests a decrease in the percentage of mature programs but an increase in the total number of programs (Source). This implies an evolving ABM scenario where new initiatives are regularly introduced while existing ones undergo maturation and development.

  6. A budget increase for ABM is intended by 80% of marketers, with 38% aiming for at least a 10% budget growth in the forthcoming 12 months (Source). This widespread intention to enhance ABM budgets reflects the strategy's perceived effectiveness and marketers' willingness to devote more resources towards it.

  7. The pandemic led 42% of marketers to alter their ABM objectives, with 49% pivoting towards intensifying business with existing accounts (Source). This pandemic-driven focus shift towards existing accounts indicates a strategic adjustment in ABM to deepen engagement and optimise value from ongoing relationships.

  8. There is a projected 150% growth in ABM efforts among B2B companies (Source). This expected surge underscores the expanding adoption of ABM strategies as more firms recognise their capacity to drive precise engagement and revenue growth.

  9. An intention to boost ABM budgets is shared by 80% of marketers (Source). This robust intent to increase ABM funding further validates the strategy's efficacy and the dedication to investing in its triumph.

  10. A strategic realignment towards focusing more on cultivating business with existing accounts is reported by 49% of marketers (Source). This adjustment towards existing accounts underlines a strategic focus on enhancing customer relationships and maximising lifetime value.

  11. 34% of marketing professionals are contemplating the use of ABM in their future strategies (Source). This considerable portion of marketers eyeing ABM adoption signifies its growing allure as a strategic approach within the B2B marketing domain.

How Huble can help you implement ABM strategies 

The above statistics highlight ABM's effectiveness in driving higher ROI, improving engagement with key accounts, and significantly increasing the average deal size. But navigating the complexities of ABM, from selecting the right tools and platforms to overcoming challenges in alignment and personalisation, requires expertise and strategic insight.

This is where Huble comes into play. As a provider of premier marketing consultancy services, we specialise in helping businesses implement and optimise their ABM strategies. Our team of experts understands the nuances of ABM and leverages cutting-edge tools and data-driven insights to tailor strategies that align with your business objectives and target market.

Whether you're in the early stages of adopting ABM or looking to enhance an existing program, Huble can guide you through the process to ensure your ABM efforts are as effective and efficient as possible.

Speak with our team to learn more about how we can support your business in implementing and optimising ABM strategies for maximum impact.

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