
HubSpot Implementations

8 key steps for a successful HubSpot change management strategy

12 min read


In this article, we'll guide you through the essential steps of HubSpot change management for CRM migration, ensuring a smooth transition that minimises disruption, drives user adoption, and supports long-term success.

The implementation of a new CRM system like HubSpot is an important step that requires collaboration between different teams, including marketing, sales, service and CRM operations. 

Each team member offers a unique perspective, reacts differently to change and faces different challenges during the transition. As the CTO or CIO of a large organisation, it's critical to develop a well-thought-out change management strategy that includes both the overall change management process and effective change control.

In this way, you can manage the complexity of this transition and set the stage for your organisation's long-term success.

Why change management matters when moving to HubSpot 

At Huble, we’ve supported hundreds of successful CRM migrations, specialising in HubSpot change management to reduce disruption, foster user adoption, and ensure long-term success.

When moving to a tool like HubSpot, the goal isn’t just moving data or technologies; it's a transformation that affects your entire organisation. Effective change management thinks about the people and the adoption of the tools as much as it does the data and technology.

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In the process of switching to another CRM, it is essential to consider and address the various aspects of change management:

  • Reducing resistance to change: People naturally resist change, especially when it affects their routine tasks. Effective change management can help in reducing resistance from users.

  • Driving user adoption: The success of a new CRM system hinges on its users' active engagement. To guarantee widespread adoption, it is crucial to establish user buy-in and excitement right from the start. This involves effectively communicating how the system, with the support of HubSpot Change Control, will alleviate existing pain points and simplify their daily lives.

  • Mitigating Risks: CRM migration can pose significant risks, including data loss, interruptions in customer service, and negative impact on sales. Change management can help identify potential issues before they become critical.

  • Maintaining an uninterrupted customer experience: CRM systems are crucial for managing customer interactions. Any disruption during the migration process can impact customer service, leading to dissatisfaction and potential loss of business.

At Huble, we recognise that successful CRM migration is not just about technical efficiency but also about supporting individuals and teams during the transition.

Our team of experts will ensure that change management strategies are in place to drive user adoption and maximise the benefits of the new CRM system, and this starts with building a champions training program.

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The 8 key steps for effective HubSpot change management

Effective HubSpot Change Management addresses both the technical and human aspects of migration. It ensures user adoption, maintains business continuity, and helps mitigate potential risks like data loss or service interruptions.

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To ensure a smooth CRM migration, here are the essential steps for implementing a successful HubSpot change management process:

1. Understand the need for change 

Migrating from one CRM system to another is often driven by the need for better efficiency, improved functionality, or a strategic shift within the organisation.

Begin by assessing the specific reasons for the change. Are you aiming for transformational change, such as upgrading your IT infrastructure? Or perhaps you're facing user-centric changes due to shifts in team dynamics and responsibilities? Identifying the type of change is crucial in shaping the migration process.

Before initiating the migration, clarify your change goals using the SMART framework:

  • Specific: Clearly inform employees about the necessity of migrating to the new CRM system. Even if some employees are initially reluctant due to unfamiliarity with new roles and responsibilities, it’s essential to convey that this migration is crucial for improving operational efficiency.

  • Measurable: While some employees may feel uncomfortable with the proposed migration, provide concrete data to illustrate why this change is important. For instance, you can present performance metrics from the previous quarter that highlight inefficiencies in the current system and how a new CRM can enhance productivity.

  • Achievable: Communicate to everyone that the migration is essential for boosting overall productivity and effectiveness. Emphasise that this transition is only successful if everyone commits to embracing the change. Outline how the new workflows and processes introduced by the CRM migration will streamline operations and benefit their daily tasks.

  • Relevant: Clearly explain why this change is relevant not only to employees but also to customers. Address the existing delays and challenges that have resulted in customer dissatisfaction and management concerns. Make it clear that adopting the new CRM system is a necessary step to enhance service delivery and operational success.

  • Time-bound: Stress the importance of implementing the migration within a defined timeframe. Collaborating with a knowledgeable development team ensures that the transition is time-sensitive and efficiently managed, allowing the organisation to quickly reap the benefits of the new CRM system.

This not only helps articulate the need for change but also fosters alignment among stakeholders.

2. Change impact assessment

Once the need for change has been established, the next step is to determine the scope of the project. This includes identifying the departments affected, determining what data needs to be migrated and assessing how the new system will affect existing workflows.

An important part of this assessment is the establishment of a steering committee made up of key stakeholders. This committee should include representatives from CRM operations, sales, marketing and IT, as their different perspectives will ensure that all departments are pulling in the same direction and that their concerns are taken into account. By overseeing the change process, the steering committee can facilitate discussions about the project scope, objectives and timeline and help to identify potential impacts on different teams and processes.

Incorporating HubSpot change management principles ensures that both the technical and human aspects of the migration are considered, promoting user adoption and maintaining business continuity while mitigating risks such as data loss or service disruption.

In addition, creating a change request list can serve as a visual record of proposed changes, responsibilities and priorities. This list should include a change impact assessment to evaluate how the migration will affect the various teams and processes so that potential issues can be proactively resolved before they escalate.

3. Developing a communication strategy

Effective communication is crucial during a HubSpot change management process, especially during CRM migration. A well-crafted communication strategy ensures that all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the journey.

Let’s look at the key elements of a communication strategy as part of the change management process:

  • Identify stakeholders: Determine all stakeholders affected by the change, including users from sales, marketing, customer service, IT, and management. Tailor your messages to suit their needs.

  • Establish a communication timeline: Create a timeline that aligns with the project stages, from initial announcements to post-launch evaluations. Include key milestones like system testing, training sessions, and the final rollout.

  • Outline key messages: Develop core messages that explain the benefits of the new CRM system. Emphasise how the migration addresses pain points and enhances operational efficiency, tailored to different audiences.

  • Encourage two-way communication: Create an environment where stakeholders can voice concerns and ask questions. Use Q&A sessions or feedback channels to address queries and gather input.

  • Provide regular updates: Keep stakeholders informed with consistent progress updates on the migration. Regular check-ins build trust and minimise resistance, ensuring everyone knows what to expect.

  • Post-launch communication: After launching the new CRM, continue engaging stakeholders with updates on usage, training opportunities, and support resources. Share success stories to reinforce the benefits of the new system.

By implementing a comprehensive communication strategy, you ensure that stakeholders are informed, engaged, and ready to navigate changes, ultimately contributing to a successful CRM migration.

4. Building a champions program

Building a Champions Training Program is a critical step in driving successful CRM adoption. Change is often met with resistance, especially in large enterprises. That's why we focus on creating a team of internal champions who will lead the way during the migration process.

Our approach starts by identifying individuals within your organisation who have a deep understanding of your business processes and are enthusiastic about embracing the new CRM system.

These champions act as change agents, advocating for the benefits of the new system and encouraging their teams to adopt it. We provide comprehensive training to these champions, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide and support their colleagues throughout the migration process.

By leveraging the expertise and influence of your internal champions, we ensure a smoother transition and foster a positive mindset towards the new CRM system.

5. Comprehensive training for all users

For a CRM implementation to succeed, full team engagement and ongoing training are essential. At Huble, we recognise that every individual within your organisation plays a vital role in utilising the CRM system effectively. That's why we prioritise comprehensive team training and ongoing support.

Our training programs are tailored to the specific needs of your organisation. We conduct thorough needs assessments to understand your team's existing knowledge and skills gaps.

Based on this assessment, we design training sessions that address these gaps and ensure that your employees have the necessary skills to leverage the CRM system effectively. We offer various training formats, including in-person workshops, virtual sessions, and self-paced e-learning modules, to accommodate diverse learning styles and preferences.

6. Monitoring and feedback loops

Once the migration is underway, regular monitoring and feedback collection are essential for change management. Implement feedback loops to track how users are adapting to the new system, identify any issues, and make adjustments where necessary.

By continuously monitoring the process, you can quickly address pain points and ensure that the system is delivering the expected benefits.

7. Ongoing support and continuous improvement

After the migration to HubSpot is complete, HubSpot Change Management doesn’t stop. Continuous support is vital to ensure that users remain engaged with the system and confident in their ability to use it. Provide ongoing training, troubleshooting support, and resources to reinforce the system’s benefits and address any challenges that arise.

Ongoing support fosters long-term success by keeping the system aligned with evolving business needs. At Huble, we provide ongoing support to your team even after the initial training. Our 24/7 support services ensure that your team has access to expert assistance whenever they need it. Whether it's troubleshooting issues, answering questions, or providing guidance on advanced CRM features, our support team is always ready to help.

This ensures that your team remains engaged and confident in using the CRM system as they continue their journey with HubSpot.

8. Documentation and CRM governance 

Training documentation and governance guidelines are crucial for maintaining long-term success post-migration. Comprehensive training materials serve as reference points for users, helping them continue learning and troubleshoot issues on their own.

In addition, strong CRM governance ensures that proper data security measures, compliance protocols, and access controls are maintained. Huble’s ISO27001-certified processes ensure that your CRM environment aligns with industry regulations and security best practices.

Effective change management lays the foundation for a successful CRM migration, but an equally important aspect to consider is change control.

The role of change control in effective change management

Change control refers to the process of managing and controlling changes to your CRM system during migration to minimise disruption and mitigate potential risks.

Change control includes a systematic approach to evaluating, implementing, and tracking changes to the CRM system.

Here's why it matters:

  • Risk mitigation: Transitioning from one CRM to another involves various changes, from data transfers to software configurations. Change control helps identify and assess potential risks associated with these changes. By evaluating the impact and potential issues, you can proactively address concerns and minimise disruptions.

  • Data integrity: Ensuring that your data remains accurate, complete, and secure is crucial during migration. Change control processes provide a framework to maintain data integrity throughout the transition. It involves careful planning and validation to prevent data loss or corruption.

  • Regulatory compliance: Many industries have specific regulations and compliance requirements related to data handling and management. Change control ensures that the CRM system aligns with these regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance issues during and after migration.

  • Business continuity: Business operations should continue smoothly throughout the migration process. Change control strategies help identify areas that could potentially impact business continuity. By having a well-defined change control process, you can ensure minimal disruption to customer service, sales, and other essential functions.

  • Documentation and transparency: Change control involves maintaining detailed records of changes, approvals, and implementation steps. This documentation is essential for transparency and accountability. It helps all stakeholders understand the changes, the reasons behind them, and the expected outcomes.

By incorporating a robust change control process into your change management strategy, you can enhance the overall success of the transition.

The importance of training documentation and CRM governance in HubSpot change management

During a large-scale CRM transition, effective HubSpot change management relies heavily on comprehensive training documentation and robust CRM governance guidelines. These components are vital for addressing common questions and concerns surrounding user adoption, data security, and ongoing training.

Training Documentation

Training materials are essential for successful knowledge transfer and ongoing learning throughout the change management process. Our experienced team develops tailored training documentation that meets your organisation’s specific needs. These materials serve as a reference point for your team, offering step-by-step instructions, best practices, and tips for effectively utilising the HubSpot platform. By equipping your employees with the resources they need, we ensure they can confidently navigate the CRM system and fully leverage its features, which is crucial for achieving a smooth transition.

CRM Governance

As an ISO 27001 certified company, we prioritise data security and compliance throughout the HubSpot implementation process. Maintaining CRM integrity and protecting sensitive information are paramount to successful change management. Our CRM governance framework establishes appropriate access controls, data privacy measures, and compliance protocols to safeguard your organisation’s data. We collaborate closely with your IT and security teams to align the implementation with your organisation’s security policies and industry regulations.

Moreover, our governance framework ensures that all stakeholders understand the considerations necessary before making any changes that could have negative downstream impacts.

By integrating strong governance practices into the HubSpot change management process, you can trust that your data remains secure and that your CRM implementation adheres to the highest standards of information security.

Partner with Huble for HubSpot change management 

Partnering with Huble means collaborating with a HubSpot partner that understands the unique needs of large enterprise businesses.

With our deep expertise in HubSpot change management and ITIL best practices, we ensure your migration to HubSpot is streamlined, compliant, and adaptable. Our professionals hold advanced certifications and have undergone rigorous training, enabling us to provide comprehensive guidance and support tailored to your organisation’s needs.

We also offer a range of HubSpot Managed Services, including 24/7 HubSpot Configuration Change Control. Our HubSpot Solutions Architects will consult on and maintain the documentation related to your HubSpot architecture, ensuring necessary changes to data schemas and overall configuration are handled efficiently.

Contact us today to learn how we can enhance your organisation’s change management process for long-term success.

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