
Sales & Revenue

HubSpot HIPAA compliance: everything you need to know

17 min read


In this article, we'll explore HubSpot's journey towards HIPAA compliance and what it means for businesses. We'll cover the basics of HIPAA, discuss the challenges HubSpot faced, and delve into the new tools they've introduced to meet compliance requirements.

By understanding these changes, businesses that previously couldn't use HubSpot due to HIPAA constraints can now leverage its smart CRM, sales, and marketing features safely and effectively.

Managing sensitive data in your CRM system can be a crucial and important activity for many sales and marketing teams across different industries. The challenge lies in ensuring that this data remains secure and compliant with regulations like HIPAA.

Up until June 2024, companies turning to HubSpot have faced disappointment because it hasn't supported true HIPAA compliance out of the box. This limitation has made HubSpot a non-starter for organisations that prioritise data protection, forcing them to miss out on HubSpot’s powerful growth tools. Consequently, HubSpot has struggled to gain traction in the healthcare sector.

However, this is about to change.

Understanding HIPAA Compliance

What is HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a U.S. law enacted in 1996 designed to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.

HIPAA sets the standard for protecting sensitive data, ensuring that individuals' health information is properly safeguarded while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide high-quality health care.

From a CRM perspective, this means that any CRM system used by healthcare organisations must adhere to strict security and privacy measures to ensure compliance. This includes encryption, access controls, audit logs, and secure data storage. By meeting these requirements, CRMs can help healthcare providers maintain patient trust while efficiently managing their data.

Importance of HIPAA compliance in handling patient data

HIPAA compliance is crucial for any organisation handling patient information. Compliance ensures that patient data is protected from unauthorised access, breaches, and misuse, thereby maintaining patient privacy and trust.

For healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other entities dealing with health information, adhering to HIPAA regulations is not just a legal requirement but a critical aspect of their responsibility to their patients. Failure to comply with HIPAA can result in severe civil and criminal penalties.

For instance, in 2008, Britney Spears was admitted to the Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center, where 13 employees were fired and 6 physicians were suspended for snooping on her medical records without consent. UCLA emphasised the importance of confidentiality agreements and extensive HIPAA training for all staff.

Additionally, in 2012, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) was fined $1.7 million for not managing their security risks properly. The investigation revealed that DHSS had failed to conduct a thorough risk analysis and implement adequate security measures, leading to significant vulnerabilities. 

These examples underscore the importance of strict adherence to HIPAA regulations and the implementation of robust risk management practices to avoid substantial fines and protect patient privacy.

Key components of HIPAA regulations

HIPAA regulations are primarily divided into two main rules:

  1. The privacy rule: This rule establishes national standards for the protection of individually identifiable health information. It dictates how healthcare providers, insurance companies, and their business associates can use and disclose protected health information (PHI).

  2. The security rule: This rule sets standards for protecting electronic protected health information (ePHI) that is created, received, used, or maintained by a covered entity. It requires appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security of ePHI.

Scenarios requiring a HIPAA-compliant CRM in Healthcare Industry

  1. Healthcare providers: A medical practice needs to manage patient records, appointment scheduling, and communication with patients securely. Using a CRM that complies with HIPAA ensures that all patient interactions and data are protected according to legal standards, preventing unauthorised access to sensitive health information.

  2. Health insurance companies: An insurance company handles a vast amount of sensitive patient data, including medical histories, claims, and billing information. A HIPAA-compliant CRM is essential to manage this data securely, ensuring that all information is handled and stored in a manner that complies with HIPAA regulations.

  3. Telehealth services: A telehealth provider offers remote medical consultations and services. They need a CRM to manage patient information, appointment scheduling, and follow-ups. Ensuring their CRM is HIPAA compliant means that patient data shared during virtual consultations is protected, and the provider can maintain confidentiality and trust.

Understanding and adhering to HIPAA compliance is crucial for any business handling patient data. By following HIPAA regulations, businesses can protect sensitive information, avoid legal and financial repercussions, and maintain the trust and confidence of their patients and clients.

Implications of Non-Compliance

Failing to comply with HIPAA regulations can have serious consequences. Let’s have a look at three possible implications of non-compliance:

  1. Legal and financial ramifications in the U.S.: In the United States, non-compliance with HIPAA can result in hefty fines and legal penalties. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces HIPAA compliance and can impose fines ranging from $100 to $50,000 per violation, with a maximum annual penalty of $1.5 million per violation category.

  2. Global perspective on data privacy regulations: While HIPAA specifically applies to the United States, other countries have their own data privacy regulations. For example, the European Union has the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which provides a robust framework for data protection and privacy. Similarly, Canada has the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Each of these regulations has its own requirements and penalties for non-compliance, underscoring the importance of adhering to the relevant standards based on the region in which a business operates.

  3. Impact on patient trust and business reputation: A breach of patient data can severely damage a healthcare provider's reputation. Patients expect their sensitive information to be handled with the utmost care. A loss of trust can lead to a decline in patient numbers and harm the overall reputation of the business, potentially causing long-term financial and operational challenges.

Understanding and adhering to HIPAA compliance is crucial for any business handling patient data. By following HIPAA regulations, businesses can protect sensitive information, avoid legal and financial repercussions, and maintain the trust and confidence of their patients and clients.

HubSpot and HIPAA compliance

HubSpot's initial non-compliance

Up until 2024, HubSpot was not considered HIPAA compliant, creating significant barriers for healthcare organisations and other businesses handling sensitive patient data. The primary reason for this was that HubSpot's infrastructure and data management practices did not meet the stringent requirements set forth by HIPAA regulations.

Issues that prevented HubSpot’s HIPAA Compliance:

  1. Data storage: HIPAA mandates specific standards for how and where data is stored. HubSpot’s data storage solutions did not meet the encryption and security requirements necessary to ensure that Protected Health Information (PHI) remained secure at all times.

  2. Security protocols: HIPAA requires robust security protocols to protect ePHI. HubSpot’s initial security measures, including encryption standards, access controls, and audit capabilities, were not sufficient to meet these stringent requirements. This gap made it impossible for healthcare organisations to use HubSpot without risking non-compliance.

  3. Administrative safeguards: HIPAA compliance requires administrative measures such as training employees on data protection, implementing contingency plans, and conducting regular risk assessments. HubSpot’s framework lacked these comprehensive administrative safeguards, further preventing it from being a viable option for HIPAA-covered entities.

Challenges faced by businesses wanting to use HubSpot 

Limitations for healthcare providers and other businesses handling sensitive patient data:

  • Complex workarounds: For those who still wanted to leverage HubSpot’s powerful CRM, sales, and marketing features, complex and often costly workarounds were necessary. This involved building custom integrations and fixes to create an environment that could manage sensitive data in compliance with HIPAA. These solutions were not only expensive but also increased the complexity of system maintenance and management.

  • Operational inefficiencies: Implementing these custom workarounds led to operational inefficiencies. The need for additional IT resources to develop and maintain these custom solutions diverted time and money away from core business activities. Additionally, the risk of potential non-compliance due to the patchwork nature of these solutions was a constant concern.

  • Risk of non-compliance: Despite efforts to build compliant workarounds, the inherent risk of non-compliance remained high. Any security lapse or misconfiguration could lead to breaches of PHI, resulting in significant legal and financial consequences as well as damage to the organisation's reputation.

Understanding these challenges highlights the critical need for HubSpot to achieve HIPAA compliance. This change is essential not only for expanding HubSpot’s user base but also for providing healthcare organisations with a robust, compliant CRM solution that meets their unique needs.

HubSpot’s new tools for HIPAA compliance

In response to the growing demand from healthcare organisations and other businesses handling sensitive patient data, HubSpot has introduced a suite of new tools designed to achieve HIPAA compliance. These enhancements enable businesses to utilise HubSpot’s powerful CRM, sales, and marketing features while ensuring the security and privacy of patient information.

HubSpot’s new HIPAA-compliant tools and features include:

  1. Enhanced data encryption: HubSpot has implemented advanced encryption protocols to protect data both at rest and in transit. This ensures that PHI is encrypted and secure, meeting HIPAA’s stringent requirements for data protection.

  2. Secure access controls: To address the need for strict access management, HubSpot now includes robust access controls. These controls ensure that only authorised personnel can access sensitive information, with multi-factor authentication and role-based access settings further securing data.

  3. Audit logs and monitoring: HubSpot has introduced comprehensive audit logging and monitoring capabilities. These tools allow businesses to track access and modifications to PHI, providing a clear audit trail that is essential for compliance and security.

  4. Business associate agreement (BAA): HubSpot now offers a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) to covered entities. This agreement is a critical component of HIPAA compliance, establishing the responsibilities of HubSpot as a business associate in protecting PHI.

  5. Secure data storage solutions: HubSpot has enhanced its data storage solutions to comply with HIPAA standards. This includes secure, HIPAA-compliant servers and data centres with rigorous physical and digital security measures.

Each of these new tools and features addresses specific compliance issues that previously limited HubSpot’s use in healthcare and other regulated industries. Let’s have a look at how exactly these tools address previous compliance challenges.

Book a HubSpot demo with our team to see the new HIPAA tools in action.

How these tools address previous compliance issues

  • Enhanced data encryption: Previously, HubSpot’s data encryption did not meet HIPAA standards, posing a risk for businesses handling sensitive information. The new encryption protocols ensure that all PHI is securely encrypted, mitigating the risk of unauthorised access or data breaches.

  • Secure access controls: The lack of robust access controls was a significant barrier to compliance. With the introduction of secure access controls, businesses can now ensure that only authorised individuals can access PHI, reducing the risk of internal data breaches and unauthorised access.

  • Audit logs and monitoring: Without comprehensive logging and monitoring, tracking access to PHI was challenging. The new audit log and monitoring tools provide businesses with the ability to track and review access to sensitive information, ensuring accountability and facilitating compliance audits.

  • Business Associate Agreement (BAA): The absence of a BAA was a critical gap in HubSpot’s compliance strategy. Offering a BAA now aligns HubSpot with HIPAA requirements, formalising their commitment to protecting PHI and clarifying their role and responsibilities as a business associate.

  • Secure data storage solutions: HubSpot’s previous data storage solutions did not meet the rigorous standards required for HIPAA compliance. The new secure storage solutions ensure that data is stored in a manner that meets HIPAA’s stringent requirements, providing businesses with confidence in their data security.

Together, these enhancements not only address the previous compliance gaps but also bring several key benefits to businesses using HubSpot.

Benefits of the new tools

  • Improved data security and patient privacy: With enhanced encryption, secure access controls, and comprehensive audit logs, businesses can ensure that patient data is protected at all times. This improves data security and patient privacy, building trust with patients and clients.

  • Simplified compliance management for businesses: The new tools and features simplify the process of achieving and maintaining HIPAA compliance. Businesses no longer need to rely on complex and costly workarounds, reducing the burden on IT resources and ensuring consistent compliance.

  • Enhanced capabilities for healthcare and related industries: With these HIPAA-compliant tools, healthcare organisations and other regulated industries can now fully leverage HubSpot’s CRM, sales, and marketing features. This opens up new opportunities for growth and efficiency, allowing businesses to improve their operations while ensuring the security of sensitive information.

By implementing these new tools and features, HubSpot has addressed the key compliance issues that previously limited its use in healthcare and other regulated industries. These enhancements provide businesses with the confidence and capability to use HubSpot’s powerful platform while maintaining the highest standards of data security and privacy.

Hubspot HIPAA compliance: this is how the change impacts the CRM industry

The introduction of HIPAA-compliant tools in HubSpot opens up significant opportunities for businesses that were previously unable to use the platform due to compliance constraints. Healthcare providers, insurance companies, telehealth services, and other entities handling sensitive patient data can now leverage HubSpot's comprehensive CRM, sales, and marketing features without the risk of non-compliance.

Let’s look at the impact of the change in more detail:

  1. Healthcare providers: Medical practices, hospitals, and clinics can now use HubSpot to manage patient relationships, streamline appointment scheduling, and enhance communication with patients. This integration can lead to improved patient engagement and satisfaction, as well as more efficient operational workflows.

  2. Health insurance companies: Insurance providers can securely manage client data, streamline claims processing, and improve customer service using HubSpot's tools. The compliance with HIPAA ensures that sensitive information is handled with the utmost care, reducing the risk of data breaches and regulatory penalties.

  3. Telehealth services: Telehealth providers can use HubSpot to manage patient information, schedule virtual consultations, and maintain secure communication channels. The HIPAA-compliant features enable these businesses to offer their services confidently, ensuring patient data is protected at all times.

Potential future updates and improvements in HubSpot’s HIPAA compliance features

HubSpot's commitment to HIPAA compliance is an ongoing process, with potential future updates and improvements that could further enhance its suitability for regulated industries. Some anticipated developments might include:

  1. Advanced data analytics and reporting: Enhanced data analytics and reporting tools tailored to the needs of healthcare providers could help organisations gain deeper insights into patient care and operational efficiency while ensuring compliance.

  2. Integration with electronic health records (EHR) systems: Future updates may include seamless integration with popular EHR systems, enabling healthcare providers to synchronise patient data across platforms securely and efficiently.

  3. Enhanced mobile security: As mobile device usage continues to grow, HubSpot may introduce more robust mobile security features to ensure that patient data remains protected, regardless of the device used to access it.

Broader implications for Healthcare and other regulated industries

The introduction of HIPAA-compliant tools in HubSpot signifies a broader shift in how CRM, sales, and marketing platforms are adapting to the needs of regulated industries.

This shift has several important implications:

  1. Increased adoption of digital tools: With platforms like HubSpot becoming compliant with stringent regulations, more healthcare and regulated industry businesses will adopt digital tools to manage their operations. This can lead to greater efficiency, improved patient and client engagement, and enhanced overall service quality.

  2. Improved data security standards: The emphasis on compliance will drive higher data security standards across the industry. As more platforms seek to meet regulatory requirements, the overall security landscape will improve, benefiting all users.

  3. Enhanced collaboration and innovation: The ability to use compliant CRM, sales, and marketing tools will foster greater collaboration and innovation within and across industries. Businesses can share best practices, develop new strategies, and leverage advanced technologies to improve their services while maintaining compliance.

By achieving HIPAA compliance, HubSpot has opened up new possibilities for businesses in healthcare and other regulated industries. These organisations can now take full advantage of HubSpot's powerful features, driving growth and efficiency while ensuring the highest standards of data protection and privacy.

As HubSpot continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative solutions tailored to the unique needs of these industries. 

How to update your business system processes to onboard the new HIPAA tools 

Implementing HubSpot's new HIPAA-compliant tools into your business systems requires strategic planning and execution to ensure compliance and operational efficiency.


Here are several steps you should consider:

  • Re-evaluate and revise CRM data mapping:
    • Identify PHI: Make sure all fields containing protected health information (PHI) are accurately identified and mapped in the CRM.
    • Review the data flow: Map the data flow within your CRM to determine where PHI is stored, accessed and transmitted. This includes understanding how data is entered, processed and retrieved in HubSpot.
    • Update data management policies: Align your data management policies with HIPAA requirements and ensure that data mapping meets current compliance standards.

  • Enhance security protocols
    • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA): Ensure that all users accessing the CRM must use multi-factor authentication to increase security.
    • Role-based access control: Define and enforce role-based access controls to restrict access to PHI to authorised personnel.
    • Regular security audits: Conduct regular security audits and penetration tests to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in your CRM system.

  • Develop comprehensive training programs
    • Employee training: Ensure all employees are thoroughly trained on HIPAA regulations and the specific security protocols built into your HubSpot CRM.
    • Ongoing training: Implement ongoing training programmes to keep employees up to date on any changes to HIPAA regulations and HubSpot's compliance features.

  • Implement robust monitoring and logging
    • Set up audit logs: Use HubSpot's audit logging features to track access to and changes to PHI. Ensure that logs are checked regularly for suspicious activity.
    • Automate alerts: Configure automatic alerts for unusual access patterns or potential security breaches.

  • Update Business Associate Agreements (BAA)
    • Review and sign the BAA: Ensure your Business Associate Agreement with HubSpot is reviewed, signed and updated regularly to comply with current HIPAA requirements.
    • Coordinate with partners: Ensure all partners and third-party integrations also have BAAs in place and are compliant with HIPAA standards.

  • Secure data storage solutions
    • Backup and Restore: Implement regular data backup and recovery processes to ensure data integrity and availability in the event of a system failure or data breach.

By integrating these steps into your business system processes, you can effectively utilise HubSpot's HIPAA-compliant tools while maintaining the highest standards for data privacy and operational efficiency. 

It's important to understand how these principles are implemented in your organisation. So let's take a closer look at how you can transform your operations with HubSpot's HIPAA-compliant solutions.

Transform your operations with HubSpot’s HIPAA-compliant solutions

HubSpot's journey towards HIPAA compliance marks a significant milestone for businesses in the healthcare industry and other sectors handling sensitive patient data. With the introduction of HIPAA-compliant tools, HubSpot now offers a secure and efficient CRM, sales, and marketing platform that meets the stringent requirements of HIPAA regulations.

This change enables healthcare providers, insurance companies, telehealth services, and other regulated businesses to leverage HubSpot’s powerful features without compromising on data security or compliance.

The new HIPAA-compliant tools, such as enhanced data encryption, secure access controls, comprehensive audit logs, and secure data storage solutions, address previous compliance issues and provide improved data security and patient privacy. These advancements simplify compliance management for businesses and unlock new opportunities for growth and efficiency in healthcare and related industries.

For businesses that were previously unable to use HubSpot due to HIPAA constraints, now is the perfect time to explore how HubSpot can transform your operations. By integrating HubSpot's HIPAA-compliant tools, you can enhance patient and client engagement, streamline your workflows, and maintain the highest standards of data protection.

Huble offers expert HubSpot implementation services to help you seamlessly integrate these new features into your operations. Our team of specialists will ensure that your HubSpot setup is optimised for compliance, security, and efficiency, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional service to your patients and clients.

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