
Marketing & Creative

HubSpot Breeze Intelligence: data enrichment & intent data at scale

10 min read


In this article, we’ll explore how HubSpot’s Breeze Intelligence tools address the challenges of data management and personalisation in marketing and sales by building advanced data enrichment and buyer intent features directly into HubSpot.

Personalising messages and reaching your target customers is now more difficult than ever. 

With target customers being inundated with hundreds of messages every week, only those with the most context and personalisation have a chance of standing out from the noise. But how can you recognise which customers are in the market and capture the necessary context to make your outreach effective?

The answer lies in integrating intent data into a single, optimised system. This approach simplifies data management and improves your ability to deliver relevant, timely messages.

Intent-based ads are 2.5 times more efficient and have a 220% higher click-through rate compared to traditional campaigns. In addition, Gartner research has shown that organisations using intent data are twice as likely to achieve an outbound conversion rate of 10% or more. These statistics highlight the significant impact intent data can have on marketing effectiveness and conversion rates.

Recognising the critical role of intent data, HubSpot acquired Clearbit in November 2023 and launched Breeze Intelligence in September 2024.

Breeze Intelligence integrates advanced data enrichment and buyer intent capabilities directly into HubSpot, providing companies with the tools they need to improve their marketing activities and effectively utilise intent data.

Let’s explore key features of the tool and the impact of Breeze intelligence on Hubspot customers.

Key features of Breeze Intelligence

Breeze Intelligence offers a range of features designed to tackle common challenges in B2B marketing:

  • Data enrichment
  • Buyer intent
  • Form Shortening

Here’s a closer look at its key functionalities.

  1. Data enrichment

One challenge businesses face is managing siloed and incomplete data. Many companies rely on multiple data providers and engagement tools, leading to fragmented information and inefficiencies. Breeze Intelligence addresses this by providing comprehensive data enrichment.

With Breeze Intelligence, HubSpot customers gain access to over 40 attributes that are continuously updated. It features more than 200 million buyer and company profiles, ensuring that data remains current and relevant. When a company or contact is added to HubSpot, Breeze Intelligence automatically enriches these records, saving time and improving data quality. Additionally, it offers bulk enrichment options and customisable settings to suit different needs.

However, there are some limitations to be aware of. Data enrichment is governed by credits, with one credit required per record. Automatic and continuous enrichment is restricted to customers with 1,000 or 10,000 credits, which may affect the scale at which you can utilise this feature.

  1. Buyer intent

Understanding buyer intent is crucial for targeting high-potential customers effectively. Breeze Intelligence simplifies this process by helping you identify high-fit, high-intent customers based on market and web activity.

Users can define target markets using key attributes such as location, employee count, and revenue. Additionally, you can set criteria to determine which pages on your site are most indicative of buyer intent. This includes specifying the minimum number of visits and the recency of these visits from relevant accounts.

Breeze Intelligence also provides intent orchestration, allowing you to view an interactive list of companies showing high intent and take immediate action. Tracking code installation is required to capture first-party data, and the feature is limited to tracking the top 100 visitors within a selected time frame. Currently, the tool supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Japanese.

  1. Form Shortening

Long and repetitive forms can significantly lower conversion rates by deterring potential leads. 

Breeze Intelligence tackles this issue by simplifying the form-filling process. It reduces the number of required fields, making forms quicker and easier to complete while still ensuring high-quality data collection.By minimising redundant fields and enhancing the user experience, Breeze Intelligence boosts form completion rates and improves data accuracy.

This is being supported in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Japanese.

Pricing, packaging, and global availability

Breeze Intelligence is available as an add-on for HubSpot's paid subscriptions. As of now, HubSpot has not yet announced specific pricing details.

Breeze Intelligence is available for purchase globally, making it accessible to businesses around the world. However, it’s important to note that the enriched data currently supports English only. HubSpot plans to expand language support to include other HubSpot-supported languages in the future, which will enhance accessibility for non-English speaking users.

Breeze Intelligence vs. traditional B2B data solutions


Breeze Intelligence

Traditional B2B Data Solutions


Integrated within HubSpot, eliminating the need for separate tools and complex data management processes.

Often requires managing multiple tools and integrating various data sources.

Real-Time Data Access

Provides real-time data enrichment and immediate access to buyer intent signals.

Typically involves delays and separate processes for data updates and intent signals.

Data Consistency

Ensures consistently updated and relevant data within HubSpot.

Data may become fragmented due to the use of multiple platforms and integration issues.

Team Collaboration

Facilitates easier collaboration with direct access to enriched data and intent insights within HubSpot.

Collaboration can be hindered by data silos and separate systems.

Operational Efficiency

Streamlines operations with a unified approach, reducing friction and complexity.

Can involve complex setup, ongoing management, and additional costs for integration.

Data Silos

Minimises the risk of data silos by providing a cohesive platform.

Higher risk of data silos due to disparate systems and integration challenges.


Reduces costs related to external integrations and maintenance.

May incur additional costs for integration, maintenance, and managing multiple systems.

Overall Advantage

Offers a more streamlined, efficient approach to data management and buyer insights.

Can be less efficient and more complex, leading to potential complications and inefficiencies.


The impact of Breeze Intelligence on HubSpot customers

With Breeze Intelligence, HubSpot customers can significantly improve their marketing and sales efforts, leading to better results in several key areas.

1. Drive new demand

Breeze Intelligence plays a significant role in generating new demand by targeting the right accounts with the right messages.

By utilising advanced data enrichment and buyer intent features, businesses can better identify and engage with high-potential prospects who are actively in-market. Sales prospecting teams, in particular, can focus their efforts on accounts showing clear intent, rather than wasting resources on those without any indication of interest.

For example, with detailed company profiles and buyer intent signals, marketing teams can tailor their outreach efforts to companies most likely to convert. This targeted approach helps in crafting personalised campaigns that resonate with the audience, leading to more effective lead generation and higher engagement rates.

2. Increase conversion rates

One of the most crucial aspects of any sales strategy is optimising conversion rates.

Breeze Intelligence enhances this by providing enriched data and actionable insights into buyer intent. Enriched data helps sales teams understand their prospects better, including their pain points and needs. Combined with buyer intent information, which highlights the level of interest and engagement from potential customers, sales reps can focus their efforts on the most promising leads.

This targeted approach throughout the sales funnel improves the chances of conversion and helps in moving prospects through the pipeline more efficiently.

3. Consolidate technology to improve ROI

Integrating Breeze Intelligence within HubSpot allows businesses to consolidate their technology by replacing external intent sources with a unified solution inside HubSpot. This consolidation can enhance ROI by streamlining data management and providing actionable insights all within a single platform.

By combining accurate data enrichment, insightful buyer intent analytics, and optimised form completion, companies can make more informed decisions and allocate resources more effectively. This unified approach improves targeting precision and sales efficiency, ultimately leading to better marketing and sales outcomes and driving revenue growth.

Organisations adopting Breeze Intelligence are likely to experience a measurable increase in their return on investment as they benefit from a more integrated and efficient system.

Who can benefit from Breeze Intelligence?

Breeze Intelligence is designed to cater to a range of businesses, each with unique needs and levels of experience in using data for marketing and sales.

  1. Small to mid-sized businesses: For companies that are just beginning to explore the use of intent data, Breeze Intelligence offers a valuable entry point. Breeze Intelligence provides organisations with a straightforward and integrated solution to start leveraging intent data without the need for extensive resources.

  2. Businesses seeking data enrichment: Breeze Intelligence provides data enrichment by offering access to a broad range of updated company and buyer profiles. This capability is useful for businesses aiming to enhance data accuracy and gain better insights, regardless of their size.

  3. Companies looking to streamline data management: Breeze Intelligence simplifies data management by integrating directly within HubSpot, reducing the complexity of handling multiple tools and databases. It is ideal for businesses seeking to consolidate data and boost operational efficiency.


Overall, Breeze Intelligence is well-suited for businesses of varying sizes and data maturity levels, offering essential tools for those new to intent data as well as enhanced capabilities for those with more experience.

Unlock the power of intent data and Breeze Intelligence

Breeze Intelligence offers a significant advancement in addressing personalisation, timing, and data management challenges in B2B marketing.

By integrating data enrichment and buyer intent features directly within HubSpot, Breeze Intelligence simplifies data management and eliminates the need for separate tools. It provides up-to-date, relevant information to enhance personalised marketing and improve targeting of high-potential prospects. The form shortening functionality also boosts user experience and conversion rates by streamlining data collection.

With these features consolidated in HubSpot, Breeze Intelligence improves marketing effectiveness and simplifies data processes. For tailored intent strategies that leverage the full potential of Breeze Intelligence, contact Huble to find out how we can help you achieve your goals.

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