
Marketing & Creative

Top 20 Inspirational Quotes from Seth Godin Live in London

4 min read


Seth Godin London

Last Tuesday 12 members of Huble Digital had the pleasure of attending and getting inspired by Seth Godin’s only Live in London event this year! It took place at Imperial College in London, where we were invited to take a journey into our thinking, and understand the importance of changing our internal narrative for the good of our business and personal goals.

My key takeaways are inspirational quotes Seth mentioned during the event, that are very simple ideas but strong messages worth keeping in a post.

His positive “can do” attitude came over loud and clear in the five hours of the event, and I wanted to share the most remarkable quotes he said so that everyone can read and think about them again.

  1. "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories, you tell.”
  2. “The problem with racing to the bottom is that you might win, or worst come second.”
  3. “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”
  4. “Create something that is so good people can’t sleep without talking about you.”
  5. “Focus on a small audience you can possibly live with and make a difference. If you can change 10 lives you can get the next 50.”
  6. “Don’t look for great ideas, focus on generating lots of bad ideas and some good ones will slip in.”
  7. “If people don’t ‘get it’ it's not for them.”
  8. “Lowering the prices is what marketers do if they do not know what else to do.”
  9. “Build trust and earn attention. The entity that gets the most trust will get the most customers.”
  10. “People want to deal with people, not machines and automated answers. Be human and personal at work. The humility we respond with is key.”
  11. “The moment you talk about work/life balance you already missed the balance. Work and life overlap.”
  12. “We don’t buy what we need. We buy the stories we tell ourselves.”
  13. “Who are you trying to change? Change humans according to their worldview. Tell them the story they need to listen to.”
  14. “Change the world you choose to change.”
  15. “Great work doesn’t come out of nowhere. It comes from interactions with people you seek to change.”
  16. “Giving people something to talk about that matches their worldview gives them meaning.”
  17. “Offer the opportunity to have a discussion and invite people into a relationship. Talk about a possibility and give power back to them.”
  18. “What makes you happy is useful, do it.”
  19. “At the heart of the question “will it work” is I’m afraid. What matters is “Are you brave enough to try?”
  20. “All you need is the willingness to do your best work. If you fail, you just try again.”

The quotes form the basis of food for thought, and by changing the way we think we change the way in which we interact with colleagues and customers alike. Our favourite quote is number 5 and 9. Which is your favourite one?

If you would like to discover more tips from Seth, why not take a look at another post from our Q&A series?

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