
HubSpot Implementations

Deciding on 24/7 HubSpot Support: Key Considerations

8 min read


In this blog article, we're going to focus on HubSpot CRM, and the support considerations you may want to think about.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, as businesses embrace digital transformation and evolution, the realisation of the need for an effective CRM system like HubSpot becomes increasingly apparent.

Numerous factors drive this recognition. For instance, businesses may seek to digitise their operations, attempting to keep up with customer expectations to provide seamless digital interactions. Additionally, organisations that have undergone mergers or acquisitions often need to adjust their systems and processes, making a reliable CRM solution indispensable.

Whilst companies are going through the evaluation process of which CRM to use, many companies will investigate the level of support systems in place to support their employees and users, whether that's with the platform itself, or a partner support network. 

Understanding HubSpot’s own Support: The Basics and Beyond

HubSpot themselves, as a software provider, provide a competent, comprehensive support system offering a myriad of channels including live chat, phone, and email. In our experience, HubSpot’s own support team are incredibly responsive and helpful, and in many occurrences go above and beyond in order to support their customers with a range of different situations. 

However, many companies we work with find that HubSpot’s own support may lack the personalised touch, the continuity, and the context-aware assistance that a dedicated solution provider support can offer, particularly for businesses operating on a global scale across multiple time zones.

Why is this? Well when you engage with a HubSpot support rep, it’s unlikely that rep has seen your customised CRM setup before, or has any context around why your CRM has been set up in that specific way. Therefore every little change to automations, workflows, structure, architecture - could have wider implications on the rest of the CRM system. 

So although HubSpot’s support can easily fix or help build a workflow, they won’t know the wider reasons why that workflow is in place in the first place, and how that may affect lots of other automations in place. 

It’s scenarios like this where we see lots of companies work with partners like Huble Digital, who are capable of providing contextual and consistent support tailored to your unique business needs.

Huble Digital’s HubSpot Support Options

At Huble Digital, we offer a range of comprehensive HubSpot Managed Services to ensure that your HubSpot experience is seamless and optimised for success.

Our Managed Services encompass three key options: 24/7 Daily HubSpot User Support, 24/7 HubSpot Administrative Operations, and 24/7 HubSpot Solution Architecture & Change Control. Let's explore each option in more detail:

24/7 Daily HubSpot User Support

Our HubSpot User Support & Training service is designed to provide your team with guidance and assistance on how to navigate and complete tasks within HubSpot effectively. When you encounter challenges or have queries, our team of experts, including HubSpot Solution Architects and CX Consultants, will assess your request and provide the necessary information and insights. This support is offered through video format, ensuring that you receive clear instructions to help you leverage HubSpot's capabilities. Please note that while we offer guidance, we do not make direct changes or edits within your HubSpot account.

24/7 HubSpot Administrative Operations

For comprehensive support across various HubSpot modules, including Marketing, Sales, and Service, our consultants are ready to assist your team in executing various HubSpot tasks. Whether it's building landing pages and workflows, setting up sequences and playbooks, or adjusting service desk requirements, our experts have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the process. With our 24/7 HubSpot Administrative Operations support, you can rely on us to help you efficiently navigate and leverage HubSpot's functionalities across different areas of your business.

24/7 HubSpot Solution Architecture & Change Control

Our HubSpot Solution Architecture & Change Control service is ideal for organisations looking for comprehensive guidance and management of their HubSpot environment. Our dedicated HubSpot Solutions Architect will work closely with you to assess and maintain the documentation related to your HubSpot architecture. They will also make necessary changes to data schemas and overall HubSpot configuration to ensure optimal performance and alignment with your evolving business needs. With this service, you can rely on our experts to provide strategic insights and execute changes within your HubSpot environment effectively.

By choosing Huble Digital's HubSpot Managed Services, you gain access to our team of experienced professionals who are committed to helping you maximise the value and potential of your HubSpot investment.

Whether you require daily user support, administrative operations assistance, or solution architecture and change control expertise, our Managed Services options are designed to cater to your unique requirements.

Do you actually need 24/7 coverage?

Choosing between HubSpot's built-in support and Huble Digital's personalised, dedicated support isn't a decision to take lightly. It's a strategic move that could greatly influence your business's efficiency, productivity, and overall success.

As you ponder this choice, here are key questions that will guide your decision-making process:

Do you operate globally across different time zones? 

Seamless support at any given moment is essential for businesses that span different time zones.

Our 24/7 HubSpot support guarantees immediate assistance whenever and wherever it's needed, ensuring your international teams are not left waiting for support during their active hours. Additionally, this support can be provided in different languages. 

Are you dealing with complex tasks within HubSpot? 

The platform is multifaceted, and tasks can often be complicated. If your team frequently encounters intricate issues, having a dedicated support team available can dramatically accelerate issue resolution and boost overall efficiency.

Is your HubSpot user base large?

The more users you have, the more likely you are to need frequent support.

If you have a large user base requiring continuous support and training, a dedicated, knowledgeable team becomes a necessity. We see companies with hundreds of sales reps often needing this level of support and guidance. 

Are you seeking predictable, accountable support? 

Huble Digital backs up its promise of high-quality support with customised Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

These SLAs provide clear expectations, accountability, and firm commitments to response and resolution times, offering you peace of mind.

Are you fully utilising the depth of HubSpot's capabilities? 

If your organisation leans heavily on HubSpot for various functions - from marketing and sales to service and operations - having a dedicated support team is vital.

Do you have future scaling plans? 

If you anticipate growth or expansion in the number of HubSpot users or in the platform's utilisation, you need a support system that can scale with you.

Choosing the right support for your HubSpot system requires careful consideration of your current needs, future plans, and overall business strategy.

Options when it comes to 24/7 support 

Unlike generic support systems, Huble Digital takes a personalised approach, offering four unique levels of support tailored to meet specific business requirements. We understand that each business is unique, and so are its support needs.

To address the diverse needs of businesses, we offer different support levels to support your business. These support levels are designed to cater to varying requirements and provide the necessary assistance when it matters most:

  • 16/5 Support: Ideal for businesses that need extended support hours from Monday through Friday.

  • 16/7 Support: Perfect for businesses requiring extended support hours throughout the week, including weekends.

  • 24/5 Support: For businesses that require round-the-clock support, ensuring immediate assistance is available at any hour from Monday through Friday.

  • 24/7 HubSpot support: Comprehensive, continuous support, seven days a week, ensuring you have expert assistance available whenever needed, irrespective of time zones or weekends.

By choosing Huble Digital's 24/7 HubSpot support, you're not just selecting a support service; you're partnering with a dedicated team eager to help you succeed.

The Huble Digital Advantage: Case Studies

To gain insights into the impact of Huble Digital's 24/7 HubSpot support services on businesses, let's consider the experiences of two organisations.

A leading international educational organisation, operating in multiple countries, was facing challenges in managing its HubSpot operations across various time zones. With our 24/7 HubSpot support, we ensured their global team receives timely assistance, enabling them to focus on their core operations rather than struggling with HubSpot-related issues.

In another instance, a rapidly-growing HR technology company leverages our 16/5 support. Our extended weekday assistance helps them efficiently manage their HubSpot operations and rapidly resolve issues, thereby maximising their HubSpot ROI and enhancing their overall productivity.

Conclusion: The Right Choice for Your Business

Choosing the right support for your HubSpot implementation can have far-reaching impacts on your business performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction levels.

Huble Digital fills the gap left by HubSpot's standard support, offering personalised, around-the-clock support and clear SLAs that keep your business running smoothly.

If you're striving to maximise your HubSpot ROI and ensure seamless support for your team, considering Huble Digital's 24/7 HubSpot support can be a game-changer.

With us, you're not just opting for a support service; you're choosing a partner dedicated to helping you succeed.

Contact our team today to get a personalised cost breakdown and find the perfect support plan for your business.

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