
SEO & Paid Media

The role of SEO audits in enterprise SEO management

8 min read


The role of SEO audits in enterprise SEO management

In the fast-paced digital landscape, enterprise-level companies face unique challenges when it comes to maintaining their online presence. 

Traditional SEO practices are often insufficient for organizations with complex websites, multiple product lines, and a global reach. This is where the concept of "enterprise SEO" comes into play.

Enterprise SEO management is not merely about optimising a website for search engines; it's about creating a robust digital presence that encompasses the entire online ecosystem. 

In this article, we will explore the pivotal role that SEO audits play in effective enterprise SEO management. 

We will also discuss how SEO audits help enterprises identify quick wins, make data-driven decisions, and drive positive changes across their digital platforms.

Understanding enterprise SEO

Before diving into the world of SEO audits, let's briefly revisit what differentiates enterprise SEO from traditional SEO.

Traditional SEO management

Traditional SEO, as most of us are familiar with, involves optimizing a website to improve its search engine rankings. 

This typically includes activities like keyword research, content optimization, link building, and technical improvements to enhance user experience. 

While these practices are essential, they only scratch the surface of what's needed for enterprises.

Enterprise SEO management

Enterprise SEO, on the other hand, extends the scope of SEO management to meet the unique needs of large organizations. 

It considers factors like brand visibility, authority, and how various website sections interact with search engines and users. For enterprises, it's not just about ranking well; it's about dominating the digital landscape.

Additionally, the scale of all activities is significantly larger, and the role of an SEO team shifts because of this. 

As it’s unlikely the SEO team is large enough to carry out all improvements themselves, enterprise SEO teams take on the additional role of “teacher”. 

They are responsible for driving internal best practices and engaging all colleagues involved in the company website to contribute positively to SEO in their day-to-day.

The role of SEO audits in enterprise SEO

An SEO audit represents a great starting point for driving change within an enterprise company that is struggling to adopt SEO best practices at scale. It offers the following benefits:

Holistic site health assessment

Imagine your website as a complex machine with numerous moving parts. SEO audits serve as a diagnostic tool, providing a panoramic view of this machine's health. 

These audits encompass technical, on-page, and off-page aspects of SEO, giving you a comprehensive understanding of your website's strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, an SEO audit might reveal that your website has numerous broken links, slow-loading pages, or duplicate content issues. 

These are common problems that can negatively impact your search engine rankings and user experience. Identifying and addressing these issues is fundamental to maintaining a healthy digital presence, and an audit provides a structured approach to help you identify and prioritize the quick wins.

Segmentation for strategic enhancement

Enterprise websites are often vast and sprawling, with multiple sections, subdomains, and pages. Managing such a complex ecosystem can be overwhelming without proper segmentation. 

SEO audits help enterprises break down their websites into manageable segments, allowing for a more targeted approach to optimization.

For example, an e-commerce giant might discover that a particular product category is underperforming. With segmentation, they can focus their efforts on that specific category, optimizing product descriptions, images, and user experience to drive better results.

Or a particular region of the site might have a high number of errors, indicating that the regional team may need upskilling in SEO best practices for the content they manage.

Driving change in large organizations

In a large organization, implementing changes, especially those related to design, content, and internal processes, can be a daunting task. 

This is where the data-driven insights from SEO audits come into play. These audits provide tangible evidence of what's working and what's not, making it easier to gain internal buy-in for necessary changes.

Let's consider an example: Suppose an enterprise conducts an SEO audit and finds that its competitors are outperforming them in mobile search rankings due to slow-loading mobile pages. 

Armed with this information, the SEO team can advocate for the implementation of mobile SEO best practices, backed by concrete data. This makes it easier to convince various teams and stakeholders of the need for change.

Uncovering key considerations

While SEO audits are powerful in their own right, they also help enterprises uncover critical considerations that are often overlooked:

Choosing the right CMS

Selecting the right Content Management System (CMS) is a critical decision for enterprises. A robust CMS should support SEO efforts seamlessly. 

An SEO audit can shed light on how well your current CMS is performing in this regard, or whether it's time for an upgrade.

Correctly managing content in multiple regions or languages

Global enterprises often need to manage content in multiple languages and regions. 

SEO audits can reveal gaps in this area and suggest strategies for improved content management, including implementing international SEO best practices.

Optimising site URL structure and hierarchy

SEO-friendly URL structure and hierarchy are fundamental for SEO success. 

An audit can highlight issues in this regard and guide enterprises in optimizing their site's structure for better search engine visibility.

Logistics when different teams manage different areas of the site

In large organizations, different teams often manage different sections of the website, such as product lines or regions. 

This can lead to logistical challenges. SEO audits can identify these challenges and, in some cases, suggest solutions like HubSpot's business unit feature, which can streamline website management.

Achieving success in enterprise SEO

In the complex realm of enterprise SEO, success hinges on a combination of strategic planning, continuous monitoring, collaboration, and persistence. 

Here, we'll explore the strategies and best practices that can help enterprises leverage the insights gained from SEO audits to achieve SEO success.

Continuous monitoring and adaptation

  1. Regular audits: SEO audits should not be a one-time affair. To stay ahead as SEO evolves, enterprises must conduct regular audits to identify new issues and opportunities. This helps in adapting the SEO strategy to ever-evolving circumstances.
  2. Competitor analysis: SEO audits also provide insights into how your competitors are performing. Regularly analyzing competitor data can reveal new tactics that you can incorporate into your SEO strategy.
  3. Algorithm updates: Keeping abreast of search engine algorithm updates is crucial. SEO audits can help identify if your website has been impacted by algorithm changes, allowing you to take corrective actions promptly.

Collaboration and communication

  1. Interdepartmental collaboration: In large organizations, different teams often manage various aspects of the website. Effective collaboration between marketing, IT, content, and design departments is paramount. Regular meetings and communication ensure that SEO strategies align with overall business goals.
  2. Training and awareness: Invest in SEO training and raise SEO awareness among your teams. When everyone understands the importance of SEO and how their roles contribute to it, achieving SEO goals becomes more attainable.
  3. Data sharing: Share the insights gained from SEO audits across departments. This not only fosters collaboration but also helps in gaining internal support for SEO-driven changes.

Patience and persistence

  1. Set realistic expectations: SEO is a long-term game. It takes time to see significant results, especially in large and competitive industries. Set realistic expectations within your organization to avoid undue pressure on quick results.
  2. Consistency: Consistency is key in SEO. Maintain a steady optimization effort, even if you don't see immediate results. Over time, the cumulative effect of these efforts will yield substantial improvements.
  3. Learn from mistakes: Not every strategy will work perfectly. SEO audits can help identify what didn't work and why. Use this information to refine your strategy and avoid repeating mistakes.

How Huble can help audit your enterprise SEO management

SEO audits are not just a tool; they are the compass that guides organizations toward digital success. 

They provide an all-encompassing view of website health, enable targeted optimization, and serve as a catalyst for change within large organisations.

At Huble, we understand the intricacies of enterprise SEO management. Our expert team offers comprehensive SEO consultancy services, including in-depth SEO audits. 

Whether you're looking to revamp your website's SEO strategy or need assistance in optimizing your enterprise SEO management, our team is here to help.

Ready to take your enterprise SEO to the next level? 

Get an SEO audit today to learn more about how we can tailor a solution to meet your unique needs. Your journey to SEO excellence starts here.

Book a free SEO audit

Your website is your most valuable sales and marketing tool, so it needs to be as optimised as it can be. Uncover opportunities to boost your rankings with a free SEO audit.

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