
SEO & Paid Media

Landing page best practices from a HubSpot Elite Partner

15 min read


If you're wondering how to create a good landing page in HubSpot, we have put together a list of 9 best practices to create a landing page that converts!

A landing page is a web page specifically designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. 

This can be achieved by getting visitors to take action. Some of these actions could include filling out a form, subscribing to a service, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase. Landing pages are created to support marketing or advertising campaigns. 

Landing pages can be used for a variety of purposes, such as promoting products and services, building credibility, and increasing engagement. They are standalone pages that are not part of a website's navigation. Their goal is to drive targeted traffic to a single page that is optimized for conversions.

One thing to remember is that landing pages are often tied to ads, but the landing page does not have to be deleted once the campaign is over. Landing pages can be updated and optimized to live on search engines and convert even after the campaign has passed. 

Think of it this way: Netflix runs a campaign for a month, enticing people to purchase a subscription. They do not need to remove this landing page, when someone searches “netflix subscription” on a search engine they can find this landing page and use it as a quick conversion.

10 best practices for landing pages

1. Consistent messaging

Ensure that the first place your visitors come into contact with your website matches your landing page. It is also important that you’re sending people to a page that matches your message, to meet the visitor’s expectations. 

For example, if you are advertising “Free Services” and your landing page messaging conveys that services need to be paid for, visitors may not be happy about this false advertising. 

Another example is if you are communicating lighting for large industrial buildings, and your landing page is for household light bulbs, visitors are likely to click off your landing page. 

Visitors may deem your website untrustworthy, and you will only lose out on conversions. 

Example 1:

This page’s title is “Free Paid Media Audit | Huble Digital”. The content of the landing page needs to match the title of the page.

image (5)


Example 2:

This is another example of consistent messaging, where Moz advertises a trial for 30 days, and once you’ve clicked on the link their landing page is consistent with the messaging.

2. Consistent design & tone

Ensure that your landing pages match the design and tone of your website. 

Once the visitors choose to visit your site, it should be clear that your site and landing page are from the same brand, and it should feel familiar to the visitor when they decide to visit your site. 

This is a good way to build trust and familiarity, increasing the likelihood of visitors converting.

Example 1:

Here you can see that this landing page, by Huble, matches the website’s font, color scheme and tone.

Example 2:

In this example from Semrush, we can see that the colors do not remain exactly the same, but the “Look and Feel” remains fun and light, using bright colors and a consistent orange button, that is the same color as their logo. 

3. Keep the action “above the fold”

Keep the action users need to take above the fold, which means keeping CTA’s, on the part of the screen you see before needing to scroll down. 

This is where you want to meet visitors and get them to take action without distracting them with other text or images and where you want to communicate all your important information first. Additional information can be added below the fold if necessary.

Example 1:

Keep your landing page simple and focused, don’t provide too much content for visitors to read.

Example 2:

This is another good example by Netflix, of keeping the action above the fold, limiting distractions and having a clear message and CTA.

4. Keep it simple

Landing pages should be simple, & the main goal of the page should be obvious: click to convert. 

The design should also be clear and not be cluttered with unnecessary information such as text graphics, which can distract the visitor from taking action. 

Example 1:

In this example by Huble, we can see that there is not too much information on the landing page before the CTA, although this landing page could get away with less content above the fold. 

We will explore a more minimalistic landing page layout in example 2. 

Example 2:

The WIX brand can get away with very minimalistic landing pages, and the user does not need any more information on this page to know what will come after they click the “Start Now” button. Not all websites can get away with this. 

Example 3:

In this example from Row House, more information is required to entice visitors to fill in their information and join Row House.

5. Use a strong headline

Using a strong headline is the first thing visitors will see on the page, the headline should outline the main benefit, and it should be clear, and grab the visitor’s attention. 

Include persuasive content on the page which is persuasive, and highlight the benefits of the product or service. Swiftly address any objections a visitor may have in the headline.

Example 1: 

This is a clear and big heading, but could also be seen as being too wordy.

Example 2: 

This is a clear headline by Shopify, that is short and to the point.

6. Use visual elements

Using visual elements such as images and videos can help to engage visitors and make the page more appealing, but be careful not to draw too much attention away from the call to action. 

If your company will benefit from it, and it is relevant to your business, including customer testimonials, trust badges, or certifications can help to build trust and increase conversions.

Example 1: 

Here is a testimonial by one of Huble’s happy customers.

Example 2: 

This landing page by Doordash is another example of visual elements that can add to a landing page and not distract from the message, bringing a visual to what the app looks like is something that can help convince visitors to click on the link.


7. Use clear call-to-actions

Make use of CTAs on landing pages to drive conversions: Use clear call-to-action buttons that are easy to find (above the fold). These are important because they guide the user towards the next action you want them to take on your website and helps move them closer to a desired conversion or goal.

Example 1: 

The CTA on this landing page by Huble stands out by making use of a different color to the background and the primary colors of Huble (red and white). This CTA clearly indicates what they want the visitor to do, and what will happen when the visitor clicks the CTA: being connected with a Huble team member. 

Example 2: 

In this example by AirBNB, we can see that they use their branding colors for the CTA. They have also strategically darkened the side of the picture where the text and CTA appear, to make it stand out more. 

8. Don’t ask for unnecessary information on forms

Make sure the form fields are minimal and simple to fill out, this will deter visitors from feeling that you are asking for too much information too fast, or that the form will take too long to fill out, causing them to leave.

Example 1: 

Huble keeps their forms short and sweet, which may not be a luxury other sites can afford, but ensuring that only relevant information is requested will not scare visitors away. 

9. Optimize for mobile-first

Although this is not a specific landing page, mobile optimization is something every website owner needs to be thinking of when creating any web page. 

Make sure all landing pages are optimized for mobile devices, as more and more users are browsing the web on mobile devices.

10. Updating the landing page

How long you are planning to have the landing pages running can determine whether these landing pages need to be monitored and optimized over time. 

Make small tweaks to landing pages to ensure that they are up to date or optimized for specific target audiences in order to improve conversions.

Why you should follow landing page best practices 

Following landing page best practices can increase the likelihood of visitors converting into leads. Landing pages can also help improve SEO by providing valuable content relevant to the user. 

Websites should follow best practices when creating landing pages to maximize their success. 

Using a landing page can be an effective way to provide visitors with the information they need to take the desired action.

Not following these best practices will not result in any SEO penalties, but it can lead to missed opportunities. If you need any assistance in creating landing pages, you can reach out to our SEO team here.

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Your website is your most valuable sales and marketing tool, so it needs to be as optimised as it can be. Uncover opportunities to boost your rankings with a free SEO audit.

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