We do the creative thing

Showcasing Huble’s full-suite creative services

Creativity helps businesses express their value proposition in a way that resonates with their target audience. From content that sparks interest and inspires action, to design that creates satisfying user experiences — at Huble we do the creative thing, whatever that entails.

We think, then we create.

Knowing what connects with audiences — and what doesn’t — is a challenge that is only solved with strategy and creative expertise

Huble’s creative department consists of strategy-obsessed experts who bring a wealth of experience to any project.

We take the time to learn about our clients and their business goals and tailor our approach with careful consideration of the ideal customer and their buying journey. Our focus on strategy is why our creative team works so closely with our clients, and our sales and marketing consultants.

Our content and design teams get the best results working together

Our expertise enables us to offer full-suite creative services, including unique offerings developed on a case-by-case basis. As a creative consultancy, we also provide workshops, audits, and strategic support to help improve the creative output of our clients. 

So, that’s what Huble’s creative team do. But what have we done? It’s a tricky question to answer, as we’ve worked with hundreds of companies across multiple industries. 
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Our design and content teams provide a holistic solution that addresses the emotional and functional needs of customers and businesses.

Lence Labourg
Lence Labourg
EMEA Head of Field Marketing at Motorola Solutions 

“The team at Huble Digital are always extremely professional. They are, without a doubt, an expert in their field, and have the skills to translate the often confusing digital world into simple terms that anyone can understand. ”

Silvia Nagyova
Silvia Nagyova
 Marketing Manager at OSRAM SP

“Excellent content creation, creativity and understanding of technically complicated topics. No unnecessary questions, always to the point. These people are top professionals”

Markus Aregger
Markus Aregger
Chief Marketing Officer at Interprefy 

“Huble Digital is an asset to any company: their knowledge and results-driven approach ensure that everyone working with them gets the best possible value.”

Intelligence made visible

Ever heard that good design is intelligence made visible? We embody this philosophy and create designs that are memorable, lead to seamless and enjoyable user experiences, and clearly convey the brand’s core messaging and value proposition.

Helping Caton connect the world

From live streaming sports games in UHD to transporting huge amounts of data, Caton offers a complex array of products that apply to multiple technical use cases. Our website designs and user flow mapping account for these different use cases and aim to create delightful user experiences and a seamless buyer’s journey.

A key part of this project was to create a consistent visual language for Caton’s brand and website. We also worked with our development team to design customizable drag-and-drop website modules, empowering Caton to easily update their website without third-party support.


Cutting-edge. Expert. Global. Caton is many things but primarily they are positively disruptive. Our branding and website designs reflect this through bold and playful use of color, bespoke iconography, and copy that emphasises brand values. These choices were critical in establishing Caton as an innovation-focused brand that values its people and customers as much as it values its technology.


Innovative Design to match an innovative product

A mobile workforce management solution trusted by some of the world’s largest organizations came to us with a problem - while their platform is innovative, their online look was not.  They partnered with Huble to redesign their website and update their brand’s visual language.


In a similar challenge to our Caton project, we needed to condense and communicate their multiple technical solutions and use cases without losing important information about the product’s functionality.

To guide our process, the client gave a brief that all good designers love to hear — they asked for a website that could “win awards.”

User-friendly design that stands out from the competition

ISOS Technology, an Atlassian Platinum & Enterprise Solution Partner, enlisted Huble to refresh their visual branding and design a new, conversion-focused website.

ISOS aimed for a fun, colorful visual identity, steering clear of typical monochromatic tech branding, and wanted to highlight their expert team members to emphasize their customer-centric approach.

Leveraging their existing brand guidelines, our design team created a distinctive visual motif using the 'o' in ISOS. This "golden thread" was woven into the brand’s identity, including curved edges on web modules, to uniquely connect the company with its people.

We designed new imagery, iconography, and a style guide to aid ISOS’s web development. Collaborating with our copywriting team, we developed a user-friendly website that clearly communicates ISOS’s value proposition. The result? ISOS’s new website not only looks and reads better but also converts twice as many visitors as before.

Redefining Monolith's Visual Identity

Monolith, an AI product development software company, sought to redefine their visual identity after experiencing rapid growth and securing leading industry clients.

Monolith engaged Huble to design a new look that matched their maturity, achievement, and ambition. Modernizing their appearance was essential to cementing their position as industry leaders and attracting more talent and capital.

We began with strategy sessions involving key stakeholders from the Monolith team to understand the company’s brand aspirations. Our design focused on visually communicating their vision “to empower engineers to solve their most intractable physics problems,” emphasizing simplicity in design, font, and color choices.

To represent the power and efficiency of Monolith’s solution, we created black-and-white imagery signaling fluidity and strength, such as smooth metallic surfaces and air currents displaced by a car. The visual concepts and updated branding we delivered exuded sophistication, emphasizing Monolith as a modern, technology-led brand, perfect for their next growth phase.

Visual Concepts that Illuminate Brand Identity

Midstream Lighting, a leading manufacturer of LED lighting technology, sought a creative partner to refresh their brand identity. We collaborated to craft two visual concepts aimed at updating their digital presence.

Given Midstream's focus on lighting, we aimed to create visually captivating designs reflecting their work. Our secondary goals were to enhance web browsing dynamics and improve product showcasing, steering clear of dull catalogue photography.

The winning concept drew inspiration from the Midstream logo, reimagined as beams of light. These beams became a visual motif for the brand refresh, applied to mock-up web modules and pages to create dynamic shapes and spaces. The resulting web modules featured a distinctive, angular look from the beams overlaying imagery.

To showcase products, we transformed product images into line illustrations, making technical products more approachable and visually engaging. Midstream loved our designs, finding they created a modern, unique look that highlighted the strength of their offerings.

Midstream Lighting

Don't Compromise.

Finding a marketing team or agency that excels across strategy, creativity and HubSpot is uncommon. Most shine in one or two areas, but mastering all three is rare.

With Huble, merge strategic insight, creative prowess, and unparalleled HubSpot technical know-how for a holistic marketing strategy.

Success stories

GfK_ Human v AI Case Study-min


Learn how GfK established itself as an AI thought leader through an innovative & fun AI-powered campaign featuring a debate between ChatGPT & GfK’s CMO.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Osram Case Study


Learn how Huble created an immersive and dynamic magazine to showcase OSRAM’s lighting products and expertise.


Atlas Copco Thumbnail

Atlas Copco

Using growth-driven design, we helped Atlas Copco create a brand-neutral website to educate prospects and drive traffic & leads for its different brands.

SEO & Paid Media


Compleat Software Case Study


Find out how we consolidated Compleat's four websites into one lead generating website for long-term growth

SEO & Paid Media

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Website Design & Development

Digital Post Solutions Case Study-min

Digital Post Solutions

Learn how Huble Digital helped Digital Post Solutions launch a full-service inbound marketing strategy with HubSpot implementation.

SEO & Paid Media

Marketing Strategy & Tech


DTS Solutions Case Study-min

DTS Solutions

Find out how we helped two-way radio equipment and infrastructure supplier, DTS Solutions increase its organic traffic using SEO and content creation.

SEO & Paid Media

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Ecruit Case Study-min


Find out how we helped recruitment consultancy, ecruit, to grow in its first year with HubSpot onboarding, website development & Inbound Marketing support.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Lakeland Industries Case Study

Lakeland Industries

With support from Huble Digital, Lakeland Industries now markets its products more effectively across Europe via HubSpot optimisation & content creation.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Resound Case Study


Learn how Huble Digital helped Resound launch a brand new pillar page, topic cluster and blogging program.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


White Lodge Case Study

White Lodge

Find out how we helped White Lodge to increase bookings for tours of its International Preschool & Kindergartens in Singapore & Malaysia, by over 100%.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


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Wolters Kluwer

Find out how we empowered the team at Wolters Kluwer, a Financial Publisher & Software Vendor, to build & deliver their own marketing campaigns in HubSpot.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Looking for a creative partner?

Book a meeting with one of our consultants. We’ll talk about how we can tailor our creative services to meet your unique challenges.