
Sales & Revenue

12 HubSpot Sales Reports you need in 2024

19 min read


In this article, we delve into the world of HubSpot Sales Reporting, exploring a wide range of custom reports designed to cater to the unique needs of every stakeholder in your organisation, including sales reps to senior leadership.

These reports are standard reports built in HubSpot, centralised in the Sales Analytics Tool, and can be customised to provide real-time data.

Three critical elements come into play in the pursuit of business success: planning, execution and control. 

Regrettably, many companies underestimate the importance of reporting.

Sales Reporting is the backbone of informed decision-making in the modern business landscape. However, not all sales reports are created equal, and their relevance can vary drastically depending on the recipient's role within the organisation.

Tailored insights for different roles

Imagine a junior salesperson eager to close their first deal. They need insights that are practical, tactical, and focused on the nitty-gritty of their day-to-day tasks.

On the other hand, picture a board member responsible for making high-level strategic decisions. They require a broader, more panoramic view of the sales landscape, something that helps them understand where the company stands and where it's heading.

In between these two extremes, you have the sales manager, the bridge between strategy and execution, who needs data that can be turned into actionable plans for the sales team.

This diversity of roles underscores the importance of tailoring sales reports to meet the specific needs of each individual. Enter HubSpot Sales Hub, a versatile tool capable of delivering precisely that.

It offers a wide array of customisable reports, ensuring that every stakeholder, from the junior salesperson to the board member, receives insights that align with their responsibilities and objectives.

How HubSpot sales reporting empowers real-time decision-making

The need for real-time, reliable data is more pronounced than ever. Sales teams can't afford to make decisions based on yesterday's information when the landscape is shifting by the hour.

HubSpot Sales Reporting addresses this need by providing access to live data, ensuring that your decisions are based on the most up-to-date information available. This real-time insight empowers sales teams to adapt quickly to market changes, capitalise on emerging opportunities, and mitigate potential risks.

But it's not just about having data; it's about having the right data. HubSpot Sales Reporting is designed to filter through the noise, presenting you with actionable metrics that matter most to your role and your business's current objectives.

In the following sections, we'll explore twelve essential reports offered by HubSpot Sales Hub. Each of these reports plays a unique role in enhancing your sales strategies and ensuring your team is armed with the data they need to succeed.


1. Sales Forecasting with AI Tools

Sales forecasting has been a fundamental aspect of sales management for decades. However, in 2023, it has taken a giant leap forward with the integration of AI tools.

At the recent HubSpot INBOUND23 conference, a wide range of game-changing product updates were announced that are set to transform the way businesses strategise and execute their sales efforts.

From forecast insights and forecast accuracy tracking to AI forecasting and comprehensive forecast management, let’s explore how these innovations are revolutionising revenue predictions.

  1. Forecast Insights: This feature allows businesses to gain deeper insights into revenue trends, tracking performance against targets over months, quarters, and years. It offers embedded forecast insights data, making it effortless to monitor forecasts and pipelines throughout each quarter. These "wow" indicators add engagement and enable users to track sales trends effectively.

  2. Forecast Accuracy Tracking: The latest addition, forecast accuracy tracking, measures forecast reliability and process efficiency. It goes beyond metrics, empowering businesses to identify trends and factors influencing forecast performance. Real-time insights enable data-driven decisions for better outcomes and more reliable revenue predictions.

  3. AI Forecasting: HubSpot introduces AI forecasting, a groundbreaking leap in sales projections. Leveraging historical sales data, it provides remarkably accurate future sales predictions. What sets it apart is its learning capability, continually improving as it analyses real sales activities.

  4. Comprehensive Forecast Management: This unified solution simplifies multi-pipeline management. Businesses with diverse pipelines can streamline forecasting processes for consistency and efficiency, offering a holistic approach to goal-setting and achievement.

  5. Kluster: An integration with HubSpot, Kluster redefines sales forecasting. It aggregates workflows and analytics, enabling businesses to predictably exceed revenue targets. This partnership brings the ability to create goals and forecasts in HubSpot, integrating deep deal intelligence, pipeline warning systems, and AI-driven projections for comprehensive sales strategy execution.

From tracking revenue trends to enhancing forecast accuracy with AI and simplifying multi-pipeline management, HubSpot equips businesses with the tools they need for informed, data-driven decision-making. 


2. Goals reports of Hubspot

Setting and tracking goals is a fundamental aspect of any successful business strategy, and HubSpot's Sales Reporting offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help you do just that.

The Goals Reports in HubSpot provide a powerful mechanism for aligning your sales team's efforts with your organisation's objectives.

HubSpot allows you to set different types of goals, not just revenue targets. You can define and set goals related to calls, deals, meetings, and more, tailoring them to fit your unique business needs and fine-tuning your strategy.

Here's a closer look at how HubSpot's Goals Reports can be a game-changer for your business:

  • Goal setting: HubSpot allows you to define and set specific sales goals, which can range from revenue targets to lead generation quotas and more. These goals can be tailored to fit your unique business needs, enabling you to fine-tune your strategy.

  • Progress tracking: The Goals Reports offer visual dashboards and detailed metrics to ensure that you're always in the loop about your team's performance.

  • Individual and team objectives: HubSpot's Goals Reports make it easy to assign goals at both the individual and team levels. This flexibility allows you to foster healthy competition within your sales team while also fostering a collaborative environment to work towards common goals.

  • Performance insights: By drilling down into the data, you can identify which strategies are driving success and make data-driven decisions on how to improve in areas that need attention.

  • Customisation: One size doesn't fit all in business, and HubSpot recognises that. The Goals Reports can be customised to match your specific objectives and KPIs. This level of adaptability ensures that the metrics you track are precisely aligned with your business's unique goals.

Having clear, measurable goals and the tools to track progress is vital. With HubSpot's Goals Reports, you can ensure that your sales team remains focused, motivated, and aligned with your organisation's mission, driving success in every aspect of your business. 

3. Sales Waterfall Report

The Sales Waterfall Report offers a more granular view of your sales pipeline, acting as a magnifying glass into the progression of deals from initial contact to closure. In a dynamic sales environment, it's vital to understand how prospects move through your pipeline.

This report breaks down your sales process into distinct stages, providing insights into where potential customers might get stuck or drop off. Each stage represents an opportunity to fine-tune your sales process, improve conversion rates, and optimise your overall sales funnel.

By analysing the Sales Waterfall Report, your sales team can gain a comprehensive view of your sales pipeline's performance and identify areas for improvement at each stage.

This level of detail is invaluable for making data-driven decisions and ensuring a well-oiled, efficient sales machine.

4. Sales Velocity Report

The Sales Velocity Report is a critical tool in your HubSpot Sales Reporting arsenal. It delves deep into the dynamics of your sales process, offering invaluable insights to boost your sales team's performance.

Sales Velocity, in essence, measures the speed at which your leads move through the sales pipeline, ultimately resulting in closed deals.

This report breaks down this velocity into its core components:

  • Lead generation: Identifying the sources of leads and how quickly they enter your pipeline. This section of the report scrutinises the effectiveness of your lead generation strategies.

  • Deal conversion: This aspect of the report closely examines how well your team converts leads into actual opportunities. It identifies the bottlenecks where leads may drop off, allowing you to optimise your sales funnel.

  • Average deal size: Understanding the size of your deals and how it influences the velocity of your sales. This part of the report helps you gauge the impact of deal size on your sales cycle.

  • Deal closure time: Time is often a critical factor in sales. This section measures how long it takes to close deals from the moment they enter the pipeline. It's a valuable metric for assessing the efficiency of your sales process.

  • Revenue predictability: The Sales Velocity Report also provides insights into your revenue predictability. By analysing historical data and current sales activities, you can gain a more accurate understanding of your future revenue streams.

The Sales Velocity Report's detailed breakdown empowers your team to pinpoint areas where improvements can be made, whether it's streamlining lead generation, shortening the sales cycle, or increasing deal values.

5. Deal Velocity Report

The Deal Velocity Report is a specialised tool designed to scrutinise the speed at which deals progress through your sales process.

It provides a detailed examination of how quickly opportunities move from initial contact to closure, helping you identify bottlenecks and streamline your sales cycle.

  • Lead contact to qualification: This stage assesses how swiftly leads move from initial contact to being qualified as potential opportunities. A quick transition indicates effective lead qualification processes.

  • Qualification to proposal: Once a lead is qualified, the next step is to create a proposal. The Deal Velocity Report tracks how long it takes to go from qualification to proposal, revealing areas for potential acceleration.

  • Proposal to closure: The time it takes to close a deal after sending a proposal is critical. A shorter duration in this stage can lead to faster revenue generation.

  • Average deal size impact: The report also considers how the average deal size affects deal velocity. Does the size of the deal impact the speed at which it progresses through the pipeline? 

Analysing the Deal Velocity Report empowers your sales team to fine-tune processes, allocate resources more effectively, and identify opportunities for acceleration in your sales cycle.

6. Deal Lost Reason Report

Understanding why deals are lost is essential for improving your win rate and fine-tuning your sales strategy. The Deal Lost Reason Report is a vital tool for gaining insights into why potential customers opt not to proceed with a purchase.

This report helps you identify recurring patterns or common themes in lost deals, enabling you to devise strategies to win back potential customers or adjust your sales tactics.

  • Common reasons for deal loss: The report lists the most common reasons cited by prospects for not proceeding with a deal. These could include pricing concerns, product fit, or timing issues.

  • Identifying trends: By tracking deal loss reasons over time, you can identify trends and seasonal patterns. For example, do certain reasons tend to crop up more during particular quarters or in specific markets?

  • Tactics for recovery: Armed with this information, your sales team can develop targeted strategies for winning back lost deals. For instance, if pricing concerns are a common issue, you can explore more flexible pricing options or highlight the value of your solution.

  • Improvement of sales tactics: Additionally, understanding the reasons behind deal losses can lead to improved sales tactics. It enables your team to address objections more effectively and create compelling counterarguments.

  • Preventing future losses: By identifying recurring reasons for deal losses, you can take proactive measures to prevent similar losses in the future. For example, if product fit is a common issue, you might consider refining your product offerings.

The Deal Lost Reason Report is a critical tool for honing your sales strategy, reducing deal losses, and ensuring that potential customers are not slipping through the cracks due to preventable reasons.

7. Sequence efficient report

The Sequence Efficient Report is a valuable resource for optimising your email sequences. In the world of sales, email sequences are a powerful tool for engaging leads, nurturing relationships, and driving conversions.

This report evaluates the effectiveness of your email sequences, helping you identify areas for improvement and ensuring that your email communication resonates with your audience.

  • Sequence performance metrics: The report tracks key metrics related to your email sequences, including open rates, click-through rates, response rates, and conversion rates. It offers an overview of how each sequence is performing.

  • Identification of high-performing sequences: By analysing the data, you can identify which email sequences are most effective in engaging leads and driving conversions. This insight allows you to prioritise high-performing sequences in your strategy.

  • Optimisation opportunities: The report also highlights areas where sequences might need improvement. For example, if open rates are lower than desired, it could signal issues with subject lines or timing.

  • A/B Testing insights: A/B testing is a powerful method for refining email sequences. The Sequence Efficient Report can provide insights into the impact of A/B tests, helping you make data-driven decisions about sequence optimisation.

  • Personalisation and segmentation: This report can also shed light on the impact of personalisation and segmentation in your email sequences. It helps you understand whether tailored messages and segmented audiences are driving better results.

By leveraging the Sequence Efficient Report, you can enhance the performance of your email sequences, increase engagement with leads, and drive more conversions.

8. Call Analytics

Call Analytics is a recent addition to HubSpot's reporting capabilities, providing a comprehensive view of your call activities. This preset dashboard includes a collection of prebuilt and automated reports based on calls.

  • Call volume and frequency: This section of the report tracks call volume and frequency, helping you understand how often your sales team engages with leads and customers over the phone.

  • Call duration and outcomes: Detailed insights into the duration of calls and their outcomes are also available. Are your sales representatives having in-depth conversations, and how often do these calls result in positive outcomes?

  • Lead engagement metrics: Call Analytics extends to measure lead engagement. It's crucial to identify which leads are most engaged during calls and understand how these conversations impact the sales process.

  • Team performance: The report includes metrics related to individual and team performance. Who on your team is making the most calls, and which team members are achieving the best outcomes from these calls?

  • Integration with sales sequences: Call Analytics seamlessly integrates with your sales sequences, allowing you to correlate call activities with other stages of your sales process.

Call Analytics is a valuable tool for optimising your sales team's call-based activities, ensuring that they are effective and align with your overall sales strategy.

9. Lead response time report

The Lead Response Time Report is a client favourite for good reason. Quick response times can significantly impact your sales success, as leads are more likely to convert when they receive rapid, personalised attention.

  • Response time metrics: This report tracks response times for incoming leads, helping you measure how quickly your sales team engages with new opportunities.

  • Lead engagement and conversion: It's essential to understand how lead response times correlate with engagement and conversion rates. Does responding faster lead to higher conversion rates? The report can provide answers.

  • Team comparison: The report also facilitates team comparisons. Are certain team members consistently quicker in responding to leads? This insight can guide training and best practice sharing.

  • Integration with lead nurturing: Quick lead response is often a critical component of effective lead nurturing. The report can help you understand the relationship between lead response and nurturing outcomes.

The Lead Response Time Report is an indispensable tool for fine-tuning your lead engagement strategies, ensuring that your sales team capitalises on every opportunity.

10. Sales Conversion Report

The Sales Conversion Report is instrumental for tracking conversion rates at various stages of the sales process. It's a powerful tool for identifying drop-off points in your sales funnel and enabling targeted improvements.

  • Stage-specific conversion rates: This report breaks down conversion rates at different stages of your sales process. Are leads dropping off at a particular stage? You can address these issues directly.

  • Lead source comparison: It also enables you to compare conversion rates based on lead sources. Are leads from certain channels converting better than others? This information is valuable for allocating resources effectively.

  • Funnel optimisation: By identifying where prospects are falling out of the funnel, you can work on optimising specific stages to improve the overall conversion rate.

  • A/B testing insights: The report can also provide insights into the impact of A/B testing on your conversion rates. This allows you to fine-tune your sales strategies based on data-driven findings.

By regularly analysing the Sales Conversion Report, you can continually improve your sales strategies and create a more efficient and effective sales funnel.

11. Sales performance report

The Sales Performance Report offers a comprehensive overview of your sales team's performance over a specified period. It tracks metrics such as total revenue, sales growth, conversion rates, and average deal size.

  • Total revenue metrics: The report provides data on total revenue generated during the reporting period, giving you a clear picture of your sales team's contribution to the company's bottom line.

  • Sales growth: Tracking sales growth over time helps you identify trends and assess the effectiveness of your sales strategies.

  • Conversion rates: Conversion rates are essential metrics for understanding how well your team is progressing leads through the sales process.

  • Average deal size: Understanding the average deal size achieved during the reporting period is crucial for tailoring sales tactics and resource allocation.

  • Individual and team performance: The report also offers insights into individual and team performance, enabling you to recognise high achievers and areas that may need improvement.

The Sales Performance Report is a powerful tool for measuring the effectiveness of your sales efforts and making informed decisions to drive sales growth.

12. Sales Pipeline Report

The Sales Pipeline Report centres on the state of your sales opportunities and deals in progress. It provides visibility into the various stages of the sales pipeline, including the number of deals, total value, and average time spent in each stage.

  • Stage-specific metrics: The report breaks down the sales pipeline into distinct stages, allowing you to track the number of deals and total value associated with each stage.

  • Average time in stage: Understanding the average time deals spend in each stage is vital for assessing the efficiency of your sales process.

  • Conversion rates by stage: This report also offers insights into conversion rates at each stage of the pipeline, helping you pinpoint where improvements can be made.

  • Resource allocation: By evaluating the number of deals and their values at various stages, you can make data-driven decisions about resource allocation and sales strategies.

The Sales Pipeline Report is a fundamental tool for ensuring your sales opportunities progress smoothly through the pipeline, maximising their chances of closing.

HubSpot's Sales Reporting provides you with the essential insights you need to drive success at every level of your organisation. And there's even more on the horizon, with a promising beta report - "Leads Funnel" - found in the analytics tool, featuring a collection of various lead reports, including the lead journey.


HubSpot's Sales Reporting is a versatile tool that offers an extensive array of customizable reports. It ensures that every stakeholder, regardless of their position in the company hierarchy, receives insights that align with their specific responsibilities and objectives.

Yet, it's not just the availability of data that matters; it's the timeliness and relevance of that data. In the fast-paced business environment, yesterday's information simply won't suffice.

HubSpot Sales Reporting addresses this need by delivering real-time, reliable data. This ensures that your decisions are grounded in the most up-to-date information available, enabling your sales teams to swiftly adapt to market shifts, capitalise on emerging opportunities, and mitigate potential risks.

To harness the full potential of HubSpot Sales Reporting and gain a competitive edge, it's worth considering partnering with a HubSpot expert like Huble.

Our team of sales professionals can assist you in maximising the benefits of HubSpot Sales Hub, from onboarding to ongoing support. Contact Huble today and discover how we can help you achieve your sales goals and stay ahead of the competition.

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