
Marketing & Growth

Ten amazing websites built using the HubSpot CMS

12 min read


This blog post was first posted in March 2018 but has been updated and refreshed in May 2022

Before most prospects speak with your sales or customer service team, they visit your website. Your website, therefore, plays a crucial role in educating and convincing your visitors to engage with your business. 

So, what impression does your website give of your business? The answer will depend on how well your website has been built — and that largely depends on the capabilities of your content management system (CMS).

The right CMS empowers companies to design websites that are modern, appealing, and responsive across multiple types of devices.

And as your website is constantly growing — you also need a solution that is built for growth. We use HubSpot, not only because it is built for Inbound Marketing and has amazing website design capabilities, but because it is designed to help businesses grow.

What is the HubSpot CMS?

The HubSpot content management system, called CMS Hub, is a platform that allows you to host your content through your HubSpot portal. Just as you would do with WordPress, Wix or Squarespace, HubSpot allows you to build, optimise, edit, and grow your website in its platform.

Not only is CMS Hub incredibly fast, secure and reliable, but it's also connected to the rest of your marketing, sales and customer service tools — which makes it an incredibly attractive option for marketing and sales employees.

Who is the HubSpot CMS best suited for?

CMS Hub is a great platform if you're looking for a no-code solution to create and update a robust, reliable and slick-looking website. This makes the platform ideal for marketing employees without lots of programming knowledge.

While HubSpot CMS functions as an easy-to-use website builder, it also has advanced functionality and customisation options that give you complete control over how your site is designed and organised. But unlocking this flexibility requires hiring a developer to help set up your website. With the right developer support, businesses can build large, complex websites that are set to grow over time.

As CMS Hub is fully integrated within the HubSpot ecosystem, it enables your sales, marketing and services teams to capture leads, create campaigns, run A/B tests and track contacts — all in the same dashboard. In addition to a rich back-end system, HubSpot CMS also has a bustling app marketplace filled with free and paid-for tools built to enhance your website.

If you’re considering CMS Hub, then the question to ask isn’t whether the powerful and easy-to-use platform is best suited to your needs. A better question is: how deep do you want to go into CMS Hub? Because that depth is there both now and when you need it.

How much does the HubSpot CMS cost?

CMS Hub can be used independently of other HubSpot products. The service follows a tiered pricing structure, enabling you to upgrade your plan as your business scales. At the first tier, CMS Hub costs $23 per month and gives you everything you need to build a fast, responsive and secure website. The final tier is priced at $1,200 per month and includes advanced features such as content partitioning, activity logging and additional root domains.

Sites that convert: examples of HubSpot CMS websites 

Want to know if HubSpot’s CMS is the right choice for designing and building a website? Check out these ten examples of amazing websites built using CMS Hub.

1. Isos Technology

Created with a custom theme built by Huble, Isos Technology’s website features a design that places its experience and expertise at the forefront of its messaging. By prominently displaying their awards and certifications, the website highlights their advanced capabilities.

The homepage also emphasises its customer-centric values and the strength of its talent. This emphasis extends to their service and product pages, which go to great lengths to unpack the benefits of partnering with Isos.

Case studies and testimonials fit snugly beneath each offering, further expanding on the website’s messaging that Isos is the pre-eminent Atlassian solutions partner.

2. Caton Technology

Caton Technology’s website showcases HubSpot’s multi-language capabilities — the site can be explored in English and Chinese. Like in the Isos Technology example, Caton’s website highlights its expertise, along with what differentiates Caton from its competitors.

As an industry leader in live video distribution and data movement, Caton’s services and products are relevant to multiple complex use cases and types of organisations. Their home and solutions pages succeed in both simplifying their offerings and segmenting their audiences. This makes it easy for potential customers to learn exactly how Caton can serve their needs.

3. Pressboard

Clean, gorgeous and popping with colour, Pressboard’s website cleverly showcases its content creator tools and media monitoring platform.

Pressboard’s simple layout and punchy copy make for an easy user experience. The website reveals extreme confidence in its product, with calls to action guiding the user to either experience its product or explore its customer success stories. A nice touch, their success stories have nifty filters, letting you search by topic, industry, publisher, or advertiser.

4. Synlait Milk
It’s no surprise that Synlait Milk’s website was recently featured on the HubSpot designers page. Where Pressboard showed restraint, Synlait’s in-your-face design choices underline its mission to disrupt New Zealand’s milk industry.

In an important new initiative, Synlait has introduced the ‘Swappa Bottle,’ a reusable stainless steel milk container that shoppers return to the store after use. Synlait’s website uses interactive graphics to explain how this concept works.

To highlight the sustainability and reusability promises of their initiative, the site uses QR code integration that enables shoppers to track the reusability journey of each Swappa Bottle. A dynamic map is included at the bottom of the homepage to show visitors where they can find retailers that sell and accept Swappa Bottles.

5. Foundation IT

Foundation IT’s website exudes strength. From the brilliantly simple and abstract animations to the sparse copywriting, Foundation lets its value proposition do all the talking. As the saying goes, less is sometimes more.

6. Interprefy
Interprefy enables remote and real-time language interpretation for online events and meetings. Their website uses a clever blend of multi-media assets to explain how their platform works and their various service offerings. Take a look at how their graphics seamlessly blend into the background — this slick effect is far removed from the ‘blocky’ images that are common to most websites.

Like Caton Technology, Interprefy makes full use of HubSpot’s multi-language tools — Interprefy’s website can be viewed in six languages. Their chatbot is another stand-out feature. Instead of the typical text-based conversation, an Interprefy representative answers user questions over video recording. This creates a human connection, while the video and subtitles help improve accessibility for people with hearing or sight impairments.

7. Care New England

Here’s a challenge: check out the website of your local hospital. Chances are, it’s difficult to navigate and bloated with unnecessary pages, dead links and outdated content. Care New England is proof that hospital websites don’t have to suck.

As a hospital network and healthcare group, Care New England’s website needs to cater to patients, clinicians and healthcare providers. A clean design, minimal copy, and clear calls to action ensure that users can quickly find what they’re looking for. With so many locations to manage, Care New England benefits from the fact that HubSpot CMS is easy to update without requiring website development experience.

8. Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast

How do the biggest companies in the world build a connection between their brand, their workers and the communities they serve? For Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast, the first step was to build a website.

From the moment you enter the homepage, Coke Northeast’s messaging pulls attention to its employees and the positive impact the company has on its community. By integrating Instagram’s API, website visitors can see this impact firsthand as the latest posts are displayed from Coke’s community-centred Instagram account.

Using HubSpot CMS, Coke Northeast have created an ideal tool for appealing to new employees, engaging vendors and distributors, and fostering a connection with their current staff.

9. The Room

The Room is a marketing platform targeting two audiences — influencers and brands. The website is split into two sections to better meet the needs of each audience, with each section having distinct resources, calls-to-actions and design elements.

A tribute to the flexibility of HubSpot CRM, the website perfectly reflects The Room’s brand. This is achieved through a combination of design choices including a vibrant style, bespoke icons and how uniquely images are laid out. Inspiring copy underscores their brand mission to “reward brands and influencers for being true to themselves.”

Appearance and branding are central to the world of influencer marketing. The Room’s website shows prospective clients that they have an understanding of both.

10. Hillbrush

Hillbrush is the UK’s largest manufacturer of brushes and hygienic cleaning products. Within its 100-year history, they’ve developed a lot of products for multiple industries across the globe. Their reach and extensive product catalogue present a challenge for any website. How do you display the right products to the right people?

Their solution uses Hubspot’s HubDB tool to create a modular system that dynamically generates product pages according to the user’s industry. The website also features powerful custom search and product filtering capabilities.

Looking to build your website using HubSpot CRM?

As the face of your business, your website is often your most important marketer, salesperson and customer service representative. The right CMS system will help you build a website that wins customers and drives revenue.

Want to know if HubSpot CMS is right for your website? Have a chat with one of our representatives. As an Elite HubSpot Partner, we’ve built many powerful and unique websites using the HubSpot CMS.

Not using HubSpot yet?

Book a demo with our team today.

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