Impactful Video Production Agency

Evolve your brand’s narrative with captivating videos crafted by our creative experts.

Video content is essential to increasing your brands’ visibility, capturing audience interest, and driving conversions

Effectively getting your marketing messages across is an art. Our dedicated video production agency can create high-quality, bespoke videos, customised to your unique narrative, enhancing the impact of your messaging.

This includes everything from editing of existing material to animated logos, product videos, social video posts, brand-building videos, and other forms of marketing and corporate videos.

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Tell your story. Make an impact.

Evolve your marketing messaging. Our corporate video production agency expertly blend captivating visuals and compelling storytelling to create impactful videos to use for advertising, explainers, educational purposes, case studies, and other marketing needs. 

From the development of a video strategy and storyboards, to the production of your videos and their promotion, we ensure that the videos are customised to your unique narrative, enhancing the impact of your marketing, sales and customer experience efforts.  
Tell your story. Make an impact.
Whitehead Scientific
Whitehead Scientific

Crafting Your Video's Blueprint

We kickstart your video's journey by aligning with your business goals, understanding your audience, and crafting a message that echoes your brand's values. 

From setting clear objectives and analysing your target demographic to planning the content types that best serve your strategy, our team is dedicated to ensuring your video strategy lays a solid foundation for storytelling that makes an impact.
Crafting Your Video_s Blueprint

Visualising Your Story

At this stage, we bring your story to life on paper, developing a storyboard that acts as a visual roadmap for your video. Through concept development, scene planning, and scriptwriting, we ensure every element of your video is thoughtfully considered and refined. Our collaborative process guarantees your vision is captured perfectly before production begins.
Visualising Your Story

Example of video production

With the goal of establishing GfK as a thought leader in AI integration and driving brand awareness in a lighthearted and engaging way, it featured a captivating video debate between GfK's CMO and the ChatGPT AI system, where we challenged the much-talked-about fear of AI taking over our jobs thanks to the rapid improvements in the field.

Bringing Your Story to Life

Armed with a robust strategy and detailed storyboard, our production team crafts your video with precision and creativity.

From cinematic quality visuals and expert direction to crystal-clear sound design and seamless editing, we're committed to producing content that not only looks and sounds professional but resonates deeply with your audience.

Bringing Your Story to Life

Maximising Your Video's Reach

The journey doesn't end with creation; ensuring your video reaches your intended audience is crucial.

We optimise your video for search, craft a social media distribution strategy, integrate it into email marketing, and utilise paid advertising to maximise visibility. Our holistic approach guarantees your video makes a lasting impact.
Maximising Your Video_s Reach

Award-winning HubSpot marketing agency

Seek Evolution

Our tagline of “Seek Evolution” showcases the way we think. We aren’t content at just implementing HubSpot, we want to constantly push the boundaries and help you evolve your business on the platform.
B2B Agency of the Year nominee (UK Agency Awards)
The UK Agency Awards are an esteemed recognition that celebrates exceptional agencies, campaigns, and talent in the United Kingdom. Our nomination in the B2B Agency of the Year category is thanks to our continued growth and customer success in this period. 
Best Marketing Campaign nominee (UK Agency Awards)
Our nominated work for the UK Agency Awards centres around our innovative campaign, "Human vs AI," developed in collaboration with GfK, Germany's largest market research company. 
Impact Award winner (HubSpot Impact Awards)
We were a winner in the Product Excellence category in HubSpot’s Q4 2022 Impact Awards. HubSpot, a leading CRM platform for scaling companies, uses the award to recognise members of its Solutions Partner Program who go above and beyond to help their customers grow better.

Best in class




locations worldwide


years experience

Success stories


Find out how Huble Digital helped Evonik Health Care to maximise lead generation using HubSpot marketing automation and inbound strategies.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

African Bush Camps

The Huble Digital team developed custom landing page modules to help African Bush Camps create a consistent brand experience and attract better-qualified leads.

Website Design & Development

Abbott Case Study


Learn how Huble transformed Abbott's brand awareness, leveraging data-driven strategies & innovative content for remarkable results.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Dicker Data Case Study-min

Dicker Data

Discover how Dicker Data partnered with Huble to overcome their challenges in web development and achieve success.

Website Design & Development

Retail Software Solution Case Study

Retail Software Solution

Learn how Huble reworked and optimised Google Ad campaigns and paid media strategy to generate more high quality leads — at lower cost for a retail software provider.

SEO & Paid Media

Global Smart Affordable Housing Case Study-min

Global smart affordable housing

Learn how Huble helped a global leader in smart affordable housing unify their multinational offices under HubSpot.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Sales & Revenue

International Healthcare Company Case Study-min

An international healthcare company

Learn how we helped an international healthcare company with over 31 million customers worldwide, redefine their lead management processes

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Atlas Copco Thumbnail

Atlas Copco

Using growth-driven design, we helped Atlas Copco create a brand-neutral website to educate prospects and drive traffic & leads for its different brands.

SEO & Paid Media


Core Case Study


Find out how we turned around a fresh, modern and functional website within three months.n

Website Design & Development

Volta Case Study


Learn how we revolutionised Volta with a joint Marketing and PR campaign

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Automic Case Study


Learn how Huble Digital helped Automic managed their $1.6 million Paid Media spend.

SEO & Paid Media

Greef Christies Real Estate Case Study-min

Greeff Christies Real Estate

Learn how Huble Digital helped Greeff Christies Real Estate launch onto the HubSpot CMS.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Officebox Case Study


Learn how we improved Office Box's leads by 971% with Inbound Marketing & Automation

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Resound Case Study


Learn how Huble Digital helped Resound launch a brand new pillar page, topic cluster and blogging program.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Tribes Case Study


Find out how we helped Tribes connect Salesforce to HubSpot's HubDB

Website Design & Development

USB Case Study


Learn how we built a successful university's first digital marketing strategy

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Olga Volodina Headshot
Olga Volodina
Senior Global Product Marketing Manager, GfK

“I consider Huble agency an extension of my team. I brief them on day one of a new project and they get involved in pretty much every element of the campaign: from planning, to copywriting, to design, UX, video creation, all the way through to support with reporting. No job is too big or too small for the team, and there is a specialist on almost any marketing topic ready to support me and offer their creativity and fresh ideas. The team puts my timelines and requirements first, are always reachable, quick to respond and consistently deliver high quality results. I could not imagine my day-to-day work without Huble there to support me. Thank you team Huble!”

Book a video strategy session

Take the next step and book a video strategy call with our team, simply click one of the team members below and book a meeting at a time and day that suits you. Once booked, you’ll receive a calendar invite with a Zoom link to join the call. This call will usually be around 15/30 minutes for us to fully understand the complexities of your industry, your unique business goals, and specific video production needs.

Talk to us

Fill in the form if you have any questions for our team ahead of booking a call.