Revolutionise Sales with HubSpot & DealHub CPQ

While HubSpot stands as a leader in the CRM, marketing automation, and sales engagement space, it may not extend as deeply into the complexities of CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) as businesses with intricate sales processes require.

Enter DealHub CPQ – designed to fill this exact void. Integrating HubSpot with DealHub CPQ unlocks the door to advanced configuration, dynamic pricing, and automated quoting capabilities that HubSpot alone may not provide.


Our seasoned experts are adept at weaving these two platforms together, allowing businesses to realise a synergy that offers enhanced efficiency, precision, and scalability in their sales operations. Dive in with us, and discover how this integration can transform your sales process, ensuring no opportunity slips through the gaps.

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Key benefits of HubSpot & DealHub CPQ


Unified Sales Process

By seamlessly integrating HubSpot and DealHub CPQ, businesses can streamline their sales processes, from lead capture to deal closure. Every lead, regardless of its source, can be efficiently managed through a singular cohesive pipeline.

Advanced Pricing Structures

Cater to a global audience with ease. The combined strength of HubSpot and DealHub CPQ allows businesses to handle complex pricing structures, regional pricing variations, and offer accurate quotes for every market.

Automated Document Creation

Say goodbye to manual errors and time-consuming documentation. Generate branded proposals, quotes, and contracts in minutes, tailored to each deal's specifics.

Efficient Approval Workflows: DealHub

CPQ's robust approval mechanisms, when synced with HubSpot, allow businesses to create efficient, role-based, and country-specific approval processes.

Real-time Currency Conversion

With international sales comes the challenge of currency conversion. Integrated solutions ensure that every deal reflects accurate, real-time currency conversions.

Data-Driven Insights

The synergy of HubSpot's reporting with DealHub CPQ's data offers businesses granular insights into their sales processes, forecasting accuracy, and revenue potential.

See it in action

The Huble team helped Atlas transform their sales process, pricing models, and approval systems through the implementation of state-of-the-art HubSpot automation and DealHub integration solutions.

Challenges Addressed by HubSpot + DealHub CPQ

Businesses often struggle with sales due to disjointed processes, manual document creation, and offline systems, leading to inefficiencies and errors. International operations also add complexity with manual currency conversions and global pricing. Integrating HubSpot with DealHub CPQ simplifies these issues by streamlining the sales process, automating pricing and document generation, and handling currency conversions for global deals.

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HubSpot CPQ Implementations

African Bush Camps Case Study

African Bush Camps

The Huble Digital team developed custom landing page modules to help African Bush Camps create a consistent brand experience and attract better-qualified leads.

Website Design & Development

Evonik Case Study


Find out how Huble Digital helped Evonik Health Care to maximise lead generation using HubSpot marketing automation and inbound strategies.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Abbott Case Study


Learn how Huble transformed Abbott's brand awareness, leveraging data-driven strategies & innovative content for remarkable results.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Dicker Data Case Study-min

Dicker Data

Discover how Dicker Data partnered with Huble to overcome their challenges in web development and achieve success.

Website Design & Development

Retail Software Solution Case Study

Retail Software Solution

Learn how Huble reworked and optimised Google Ad campaigns and paid media strategy to generate more high quality leads — at lower cost for a retail software provider.

SEO & Paid Media

Global Smart Affordable Housing Case Study-min

Global smart affordable housing

Learn how Huble helped a global leader in smart affordable housing unify their multinational offices under HubSpot.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Sales & Revenue

International Healthcare Company Case Study-min

An international healthcare company

Learn how we helped an international healthcare company with over 31 million customers worldwide, redefine their lead management processes

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Atlas Copco Thumbnail

Atlas Copco

Using growth-driven design, we helped Atlas Copco create a brand-neutral website to educate prospects and drive traffic & leads for its different brands.

SEO & Paid Media


Core Case Study


Find out how we turned around a fresh, modern and functional website within three months.n

Website Design & Development

Volta Case Study


Learn how we revolutionised Volta with a joint Marketing and PR campaign

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Resound Case Study


Learn how Huble Digital helped Resound launch a brand new pillar page, topic cluster and blogging program.

Marketing Strategy & Tech


Tribes Case Study


Find out how we helped Tribes connect Salesforce to HubSpot's HubDB

Website Design & Development

USB Case Study


Learn how we built a successful university's first digital marketing strategy

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Automic Case Study


Learn how Huble Digital helped Automic managed their $1.6 million Paid Media spend.

SEO & Paid Media

Greef Christies Real Estate Case Study-min

Greeff Christies Real Estate

Learn how Huble Digital helped Greeff Christies Real Estate launch onto the HubSpot CMS.

Marketing Strategy & Tech

Officebox Case Study


Learn how we improved Office Box's leads by 971% with Inbound Marketing & Automation

Marketing Strategy & Tech

How we can help

Seek Evolution

The Huble Digital team is made up of hand-picked professionals from around the world each of whom bring their own unique specialities and experience.

Personalised Integration Strategy
We understand that every business is unique. Our team works closely with you to develop a tailored integration plan, aligning with your sales, marketing, and operational goals.
Seamless Data Migration
Transition without hitches. Whether you're new to HubSpot or DealHub CPQ, or both, we ensure your data is migrated seamlessly, preserving its integrity.
Training & Support

Our commitment doesn't end with integration. We provide comprehensive training to your teams, ensuring they harness the full potential of the integrated platforms. Plus, our support team is always ready to assist with any queries or issues.

Continuous Optimisation

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Our experts periodically review and optimise the integration to ensure it's in tune with the latest features and best practices.

A truly customised HubSpot & DealHub Demo

If you’re considering HubSpot with DealHub CPQ, book a bespoke demo with our team and be taken behind the scenes of how HubSpot and DealHub CPQ can work together. 

Book a HubSpot & CPQ Call

Take the next step and book a HubSpot onboarding session with our team, simply click one of the team members below and book a meeting at a time and day that suits you. Once booked, you’ll receive a calendar invite with a Zoom link to join the call. This call will usually be around 15/30 minutes of discovery before setting up a further call with our consultation team.